MaryFaith Autumn
When I contacted newmedia, I really had no idea what I was getting into. By profession I’m a sign language interpreter, primarily using BSL and working the northwest of England. The whole website business is beyond what I do. However, I know that there are lots of interpreters who market their businesses using websites and large professional organizations that are very prominent online. Increasingly companies are using the web to locate interpreters who can help them make their services accessible to deaf people. The thought that I could be found anywhere in Google as a small solo practitioner seemed completely out of reach, but just like newmedia promised, they built my website, did all the SEO optimization, and trained me so that I could easily update the information myself. Now my website ranks on page 1 in Google right alongside major national organizations and in front of my competitors. It’s amazing! If you’re looking for a partner with expertise you can depend on you need look no further than newmedia.