This Lenten season, we invite you to explore C21’s free faith resources and programs to journey with you –– from Laura Kelly Fanucci’s “Walking Through Lent + Holy Week” mini-retreats to weekly resour...
Join us for Hearts on Fire: A Jesuit, Lenten Retreat for Young Adults on Sunday, March 23 from 11–4pm at @BostonCollege After the retreat, we will have our monthly Mass & Mingle with Mass from 5–6pm ...
Join us for Hearts on Fire: A Jesuit, Lenten Retreat for Young Adults! The retreat, which is being graciously hosted by the Jesuits, will take place on Sunday, March 23 from 11–4pm at bostoncollege. F...
Please join us for a special Pray It Forward for Pope Francis – tomorrow, February 26th, 4–4:15pm ET on Zoom. Register at to receive the Zoom link and a 1-hour reminder. All ar...
Please join us for a special Pray It Forward for Pope Francis – tomorrow, February 26th, 4:00–4:15pm ET on Zoom. Register at or the link in our bio to receive the Zoom link and a ...
The Boston College Board of Trustees has named John T. “Jack” Butler, S.J., Haub Vice President for University Mission and Ministry, as Boston College’s 26th president. He will succeed University Pres...
RT @BostonCollege: The BC Board of Trustees has named Rev. John T. “Jack” Butler, SJ, Haub Vice President for University Mission and Minist…
Join us Sunday, Feb. 23 to celebrate Mass at St. Ignatius Parish Chestnut Hill, MA. Following Mass, meet new friends and enjoy dinner, drinks, and faith conversation! We will have a panel discussion f...