4.8 rating out of 3227 reviews

Daniel Kreager
I am in the 2nd week of the 30 day challenge. It is going very well, first week put in 5 hours, but I was also gone 4 days for busy. Making up some time missed. Learning from the challenge and seeing improvement also. Definitely going to complete the 30 day challenge and then to your next step. Thanks for getting me back into playing again.
4 hours ago
This guitar program is working better for me than any of the others because I'm held accountable to just show up, of course when I show up I play. I have been many years trying to learn the guitar and in the nine weeks I have been with TAC I am actually playing. Just because I show up every day and make an effort to play. I look forward to each day to see what the lesson is and I enjoy the variety of music styles each week.
9 hours ago
So far so good! Started like gangbusters and then came down with pneumonia…(( can’t wait to get back to the lessons.
a day ago
Lynn David English
I was a public school music teacher for many years, and for the lower grades either accompanied with a guitar or taught them to accompany themselves. At any rate, there was no pressure from 1-5 grade students to ever further develop my guitar skills. If I ever found reason to improve my guitar playing, I would just improve, after all, I had a degree in music and should know what to do. Wrong! This construction, being able to see what to do next and doing it, is absolutely helping. The lessons are showing me misconceptions and locked minded notions I have carried for years about the guitar; the more strings used to make a chord the better; I IV and V chords are vertical arrangements, and strumming patterns that I would not have considered. As for a timed practice habit, at 80 years I'm still quite busy and my schedule is irregular. I just want to get the session in before the day is over. Thank you for the instruction, I enjoy it and am glad to see personal improvement.
a day ago
Just started the TAC lessons. Love the quick draw chord exercises. This has helped a lot. Having trouble with some fingers reaching frets. hopefully with time it will happen.
2 days ago
I'm having a tough time and thought is this what I really want and the answer is yes.I'm not worried about practice every day but I do get it most days. I went back to week two and kind of started over. I want to get my fingers to do better on strings before I move on. Tony always says to take the time and try to get it right because it will pay off later but then the next day I'm expected to do something new. I realized there is no race on this so I'm going at a slower pace. Practice, practice, practice.... Having guitar set up properly and changed to silk / steel strings really helped.
2 days ago