4.9 rating out of 2785 reviews

Boris Pinzon
I like the idea of incorporating lessons to learn a song !!!
2 weeks ago
Mike Fuller
I've lost count of how many times I've started various programs that promised to teach guitar, only to fail in many of the ways Tony describes in the early lessons. Seriously, like 20 - 30 years of false starts... So much of TAC resonated with a "that's me" kind of thing - I just knew this time would be different. It's not witchcraft or sorcery of any kind, but the approach is straightforward, well-paced, and attainable. That's the biggest thing - the smallest of daily victories is what immediately hooked me. I found even the more complicated lessons, if I couldn't do it the first day, I was getting it by day 2, and making rapid progress - just like Tony said we would. It's awesome. I'm grateful to have found it, and look forward to the journey ahead.
2 weeks ago
I am that guy described, lots of guitars, can noodle with the best of them, but can't sit down and play a song. Have taken lessons in the past and spent a lot of money to not learn much. This is a great way to move forward and actually enjoy the guitar! Thanks Tony and looking forward to moving along in the program. Going to also try and get my sister-in-law to join....
2 weeks ago
Kenneth Stewart
Just finished my first week and I am pumped to start learning chords.
3 weeks ago
One week in and this is really impressive stuff. I wanted something to get me back into playing after taking another long break and this is perfect. I'm hooked. The videos are excellent and I love the teaching style, very relaxed, informative and very easy to understand. Just brilliant, so glad I joined I'm more exited about playing the guitar in the last week than I have ever, so looking forward to where I'll end up.
3 weeks ago
Peter Langer
It’s been great for me! There is a learning curve to it though and for new people: it's not what you think! I am not referring to the rate at which you learn to play. You have to learn to not try to do it all. The Daily Challenges are designed to give players at various proficiency levels a little something. You mustn't spend hours and hours to try and get a difficult skill under your fingers. Once I understood to take away something from each lesson and squash the perfectionist within, it’s been a blessing!I checked out a couple of other sites too before ending up on TAC. I still have access to one of the others , but TAC is my daily bread and butter, hit that everyday and then practice on chord changes and songs as time allows. The skills tab here on TAC is very useful as well.
Review photo
3 weeks ago