4.9 rating out of 2786 reviews

Tamara Ferweda
I am loving the way Tony teaches. He has a very clear, fun way of teaching and I am learning to play the guitar!
4 months ago
Charles Frank
Tony has a different way of teaching acoustic guitar than anyone I know of. He does an excellent job of teaching. I am learning a lot more than I knew before.
4 months ago
Corey Depuy
Fantastic Program. Takes all the frustration out. Tony makes it so easy to follow along, I believe anyone can learn to play guitar with this program
4 months ago
Bob Crow
This is awesome…one month in and Im playing several rhythms with 7 clean cords changes (the B bar chords are elusive still) Great course set up with achievable lesson plans, one building cleanly on the next in a progression of complexity thats not too overwhelming Stick with the game plan and the results will come!
4 months ago
Mike Williamson
I have only been here just over a week and I have seen some progress. From never playing a guitar to playing some chords and recognizing some notes and my guitar is making music. This is exciting!!!!! I look forward to playing everyday!!! I am so glad I found TAC. This is going to be fun
4 months ago