4.9 rating out of 2789 reviews

I’ve been a slow learner until recently. Now that I’m getting good night sleep my brain and hands can recall things we’re learning. I also took my guitar in for a much needed set up. I cannot describe how satisfying it feels to play my favorite instrument and it sounds good. Taking the daily lessons for two years continues to delight me, the fretboard feels almost like an extension of my body most days!Increasing tempo will be my goal for the next few months as I tend to stall at 60bpm and I finally feel ready to add that skill to the list of accomplishments I’ve compiled the past 24 months.Thank you!
6 months ago
I'm very thrilled to have enrolled in Tony's Acoustic Challenge. I'm learning new techniques every day. He pushes your abilities and helps you grow as an acoustic guitar player.
6 months ago
Will Brown
I am a self taught player and have been playing guitar for more than 15 years. I have been through so many programs, and never really progressed “outside my comfort zone”. Timing was my issue, I did not have anybody to play with, so my timing, was my timing and I would play for my family and for me. My church needs an acoustic player, so I was looking and saw an add for this, and logged in for the zoom call, and I signed up that day. I am so impressed with the way all of this is set up, the wins for the day, the community, and I love Tony’s teaching style. It makes me want to login every day. My wife and kids laugh because I say “I have to go login for Tony’s going to be mad at me”. :-) In the short time I have been here, I have already seen improvement in my finger work, and my timing and I am looking forward to continuing to grow. I love serving at church, and this is a gift that I believe that God has given me, and I would love to be able to use it to serve him.
6 months ago
Rick Hudy
Love it! Hesitant at first because I had tried others. Like it because it’s easy to follow, well laid out. You learn the basics and how to actually play something musical right out of the gate. The teaching is top notch, no pressure but also encouraging. Totally suitable wherever you’re at, acoustic or electric.
6 months ago
Brian Rees
My chord transitions are slow as can be, and the notes often sound fuzzy, and when I travel I miss days altogether; but, there's really no one I must please except myself, and there's no hurry. So, slow and steady is working for me. And every so often this thing I'm playing sounds OK, and I smile.
6 months ago
Stephen Galens
Perfect for my learning. Courses are well constructed for multiple levels. I feel challenged but not intimidated. Tony makes it accessible and interesting and allows for me to fit practice in to a tight schedule. I really like taking a song and learning the different structure and parts through the week and if I can’t get a day or two during the week I can catch up on weekend. Great course
6 months ago