4.9 rating out of 2789 reviews

I am only on my second week. So far I have found the technique used to teach the fundamentals and the picking parts have been extremely helpful. I was reluctant to sign up in the beginning for several reasons..1) thought it might be too hard for me..I am older and memory isn't what it use to be..2) afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with the daily lessons. So far I find it challenging and fun.
6 months ago
Sandy Cave
I am enjoying TAC very much. The material is interesting and challenging. I'm certainly not bored and look forward to learning new things. I don't feel like I'm really mastering anything but I am trusting the process that consistency will ultimately provide results. Originally, I started with personal lessons, then tried a couple different types of online programs but stalled out, lost interest every time. What I like most about TAC is that the new material is different all the time, not just learning chords and transitions. Keeps me coming back!
6 months ago
Lisa Crocker
I've been having so much fun learning. I have missed a week while I was on holidays but couldn't wait to start again when I got home.It has been by far the best teaching that I have experienced, well worth the money!
6 months ago
Jennifer Helsel
The lessons are life changing for me! Loving them- they are fun and each time I am learning something valuable. Two weeks ago I had to stop because I pulled a muscle in my shoulder- but restarting this week pain or no pain, finally learning to play and becoming a guitar player.
6 months ago
Mike Gonzales
Hi Tony, I hesitated because I wasn't sure if online instruction was for me. I'm really a hands on learner with personal instruction. But I liked your presentation with regards to always wanted to learn to play and before it's to late now's a better time than ever. I first found that your lesson plans are doable with practice and everything flows along day to day that relates to finger placement on the fret board etc. I like the instruction because I am improving along with having fun. So far I couldn't have improved to the level I am without your lessons. It seems to get a little easier as I go thanks. I feel TAC is best for anyone who wants to learn how to play all functions of the guitar.
6 months ago