I was just surfing Facebook, and found myself clicking on Tony's 36 minute advertisement for TAC. I listened to the whole thing! I think because he seemed to be speaking directly to me with the exact knowledge and appreciation of my history playing guitar...from the time I was 12 years old until now (I'm 68). I've got a stack of sweet guitars, and they go months or years without being touched. So, contemporaneous with Dry January, I developed a new habit--touching my guitar for just 10 minutes a day. Tony's daily lessons are very manageable for one day, and he instructs things that are helping me become a player, rather than a dabbler. I have started going beyond the daily challenges, and have gone back to play some favorite, easy songs, as well as working on developing my fretboard knowledge sampling You Tube rock and blues licks, and revisiting the CAGED system of scale forms. This helps a lot in having a deeper understanding of the scales we work on in Tony's program, and in developing improvisation skills. By analogy, there are three components of athletic development: Consistency, Intensity and Duration. By far the most important of these is consistency. That is TAC's greatest benefit, I think.