4.9 rating out of 2790 reviews

Steven Robert Mulcahy
Great lessons. Makes me play more and more often. Also inspired me to buy a better guitar.
7 months ago
Over the past couple of years, I have signed up for so many online guitar courses and have bought nearly every "guitar for beginners" book available ... and I struggle to get past the first few lessons and ultimately give up. With TAC, I'm having so much fun (as promised) and in just the first week I feel that I'm learning how to actually play my guitar. Most of all, I find myself looking forward to picking up my guitar again to see what's next! Thanks Tony!
7 months ago
Believe this helps a lot with consistent practice. Have enjoyed reference to songs like Wagon Wheel and Paint it Black mixed in with the practice
7 months ago
Alvin M
Every challenge opens up a style! Want to play all the time. Not stuck on the same riffs! Love it!
7 months ago
Great program loving it❤️❤️
7 months ago
Hey Tony, I started playing guitar consistently nearly two years ago and have been with TAC since beginning of this year and getting on usually as planned 5x a week. Though life happens and will be traveling over the next few weeks so my TAC involvement will temporarily not be as consistent. Guitar will be with me though for when time permits which will vary until returning home. The challenges are fun and are helping me to improve my skill / enjoyment level. I have also focused on skill levels and will continue with this as well. Thank you for your teaching and making TAC available. Best Regards, MK
7 months ago