4.8 rating out of 3233 reviews

I’m on a tugboat, on a high tempo dredging job. I need to make some time befor I go on watch to practice. This is the hardest part of the whole thing time management. The lessons are easy to follow and I’m definitely improving.
6 months ago
Scott Benowitz
You can’t go wrong with TAC. This is my third iteration of being a guitar player, with literally decades in between. After looking at several on-line guitar courses, I chose TAC due to Tony’s vibe shown in his advertising. Tony's approach to guitar instruction is comprehensive, easy to understand, and covers a wide range of techniques. Almost too good to be true. If you’ve ever thought about taking an on-line guitar course, choose TAC. And if you are lucky like I was, you can thank him in person in the produce isle at the grocery store!
6 months ago
JoAnn Arcuri
I’m loving this program! I played guitar as a teenager and learned this way. Just jump right in and play a song. I regret losing this skill and I’m excited, at age 66, to start playing again. I’ve sent an invitation to my daughter for my 13 year old grandson so he can get a great start on his guitar. He’s got a great ear and I can’t wait to hear him play.
Review photo
6 months ago
I've learned more in the last 9 weeks than I have in noodling around YouTube for a year, trying to figure it out on my own. Tony's method works for me because it motivates me to be disciplined in my practice. I love how he breaks the lessons down into small tasks that lead to an end of the week challenge where it all comes together!
6 months ago
Terry Gladstone
Wow! I have always been impressed with Tony for many reasons, but this stretch class is so needed and such an amazing addition to everything else he does. So beneficial. Thank you so much, Tony for putting this together.
6 months ago
It has only been a week but I really enjoy TAC so far because 1. I like the process set up for each day of the week. All of the challenges will help me be a better player. 2. The process is more musical than other online lessons I have used. 3. The 30 Day and 5 day were refreshers but very valuable. 4. I am really looking forward to the songs to come!
6 months ago