4.8 rating out of 3233 reviews

Wyatt Martin
If I was forced to name the one best thing about TAC if would be accountability. While no one is looking over your shoulder making you play, Tony encourages habits as simple as opening your case. We all know that once that case is open, we will at least pick up the guitar and strum a few chords. Those few notes turn into minutes of practice before you know it. Small lessons every day, that build on each other, encourage you to come back each day to see what is next. The consistency of my playing, and my ability to learn new skills quickly, have dramatically increased with TAC. I am even now comfortable picking up a guitar anywhere and fingerpicking a chord progression when I have no pick. Before I was pick only. Thanks Tony and keep it coming.
6 months ago
chris gossman
Love the curriculum, it allows me maximum flexibility in my day. The videos are super helpful, as I am a visual learner. The downloadable material allows me to take lessons/tabs with me when I go to work. I work offshore 30 on 30 off. (Steaming is not allowed offshore) That in of itself is a massive perk for me. I do read and enjoy the Forums. Lots of info and most of my questions get answered there. I have used the support section as well, found it to be very helpful. My routine is set, I set a goal of 15-30 minutes a day. I actually average about an hour at home, and that’s 5 days a week. At work, 15-30 minutes will be a challenge but my travel guitar, a Fender FA-15 will be a willing partner while I am at work. At home, it’s a Martin D Special 16 (natural). TAC has helped me enjoy MY guitar time. And to be honest, I am very selfish about my time, it’s my moment to unplug from the world. Thank you for the curriculum and all it allows me to accomplish.
6 months ago
Ed Adair
I am 63 years young and have one eye on retirement in the not-too-distant future. I got back into music about 9 months ago after a long absence. I played "at" the guitar off and on over the years and enjoyed the peace and solitude it provides; however, I had hit a ceiling and saw no progress in my playing. Other than a few months of Classical Guitar lessons when I was in High School, I have never taken any guitar lessons...until I ran across TAC. It seemed like the perfect time and the perfect choice with the concept of putting 10 minutes per day into the lessons. In the first week, I noticed improvement and picked up on some simple pointers that I was almost embarrassed to admit I didn't know. The course is laid out in a very user-friendly way and is quite accommodating to my schedule. I have a full-time job and am a full-time seminary student. This course is perfect for me and I am looking forward to continued improvement in my guitar playing.
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6 months ago
Tony’s guitar challenge is a great program. The emphasis on consistency and moving forward along with exposing you to lots of different guitar techniques even if you are a beginner makes sense. I would say my learning curve has been gradual but progressing upwards over the last two months that I have been doing it daily. I have not “mastered” anything but I am understanding the overall concept of the guitar and the huge variety of playing techniques on offer. Tony is an enthusiastic and wonderful conveyer of information and his dedication to this program is impressive.
6 months ago
keith helmuth
Just on my 2nd week so far, and love it! I'm 60 years old and I started playing the guitar when I was 9 years old, gave up on it when I was 12 years old (unfortunately) and have dabbled with picking back up again ever since. This time is going to stick as Tony's methods are working! Thanks!
6 months ago
Just started today, thoroughly enjoyed it. I have a Tanglewood TWCR P. Big blue's fan and the Blues shuffle, and 12 Bar Blues were a lot of fun for me. Looking forward to becoming more fluid with them. Downloaded the Tab, and as the day progresses taking a few minutes to revisit it, as my day allows.
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6 months ago