4.9 rating out of 2790 reviews

Steve Reed
The thing that made me hesitant to join was the money, not that it was expensive, but whether I would stick with it. I have to say that even though it’s only been a week, your teaching method is the best I’ve seen. I’m not trying to be a rock star I just want to play with my friends and I truly believe that I’ve found the right path to accomplish that. Like most I lead a busy life, but when you asked if I could find 10 minutes a day to practice it was a light bulb moment. Your patient and kind way of teaching is great for those of us who have tried many times but left discouraged because of boredom or not progressing as fast as we think we should. Thank you Tony for what you are doing!
8 months ago
Kurt Wroblewxki
Was a member for a few years and didn't"t make the most of everything that Tony offers. Due to a very hectic work/family life, I cancelled my membership. Tried to pick up the guitar when opportunities presented, but found myself in a cycle of dissatisfaction with my ability to progress. Rejoined the TAC family with a renewed respect for everything this site offers. Currently reworking my way through basic skills. Even though the exercises might seem "boring" because I have been through them before, I am committed to the process. Above all, I appreciate the non-judgemental format of this site. I have recommended this site to more than a few people who have expressed an interest in learning the guitar. Follow the format and successes will come your way. Thank you Tony for helping a guy who just wants to be a back porch/campfire strummer. I feel included in your mission.
8 months ago
Michele Favarger
Almost two months in, and while I have so much to learn, I am amazed at how far I have come. Finished the 30-day challenge, the six next chords, the stretches and the 5-day challenge. I am so looking forward to starting the Daily Challenge on Monday. Have I learned everything that I have been taught? Nope! But I am confidently moving forward with what I can, trusting that it is all about consistency and not perfection.
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8 months ago
Peter J Davis
I have enjoyed my return to TAC very much. I joined several years ago but never really even gave it a chance. This time has been very different. Played more guitar in a week than all last year. Reminded me what i already know and challenged me to learn new things. Having a blast becoming a better guitar player and having fun doing it.
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8 months ago
I have just started the 30 day challenge and I had my doubts about my ability- but Tony’s method of teaching allowed me to play something I never thought I could! I am very happy to be learning here.
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8 months ago
Korin Schippers
I love this program! I’ve never played guitar and have always wanted to learn. When I heard about this program I immediately signed up and I’m so glad I did! Tony made the lessons short, sweet and to the point which is exactly what I need being a busy mom of 4. They are also fun! I’m excited to learn more everyday!
8 months ago