When I first started Tony's Acoustic Challenge I was filled with a lot of doubt about it. I had watched Tony's sale pitch video and thought it sounded like a worthwhile teaching site, but I still wasn't sure. After my first month went past I was still unsure if it was going to be right for me. I decided to stick it out though simply because I had paid for it. I'm glad I did. Tony's daily lesson seem simple and basic making me think it just wasn't advanced enough for me and I wasn't getting anything out of it, but one day I watched one of the videos that Tony encourages us to record so we can see our progress. I was floored! My playing had improved a significant amount in just a few months! I've since come to the conclusion that Tony is really on to something with his lessons. They are small bits, easy to understand and can be accomplished in 10 to 20 minutes each day. The way he breaks each subject down into 5 days of short lessons really gives me time to digest each one, to understand the guitar just a little bit better. Those little bits add up faster than you think.