4.8 rating out of 3231 reviews

Christine Boutwell
I'm loving my lessons. I am learning to not be a perfectionist and keep going. It takes me some time to learn each one, but when I do, it makes me feel great and on to the next.
2 weeks ago
I’ve been a member for a couple of months now. I tried in person lessons a decade ago and they just didn’t work well for me. This program is more flexible and I haven’t missed a day of at least 10 minutes with a guitar in my hands. As a consequence I find myself improving and understanding new concepts that make me want more. I’m looking forward to where I’ll be at the end of the year!
2 weeks ago
William Beese
I have always been interested in playing the guitar, but could never understand where to start. I watched your videos on facebook and wanted to see more. I was using another guitar teacher, but it felt like work in a way. Your program seems to draw you into wanting to play. I am enjoying the learning and excited to play the guitar. The program is works great!
2 weeks ago
Saw a video of Tony one night. He struck me as genuine and passionate.The amount he charges proves his passion,. Not a better deal anywhere. Have been a member since May of 2022. He has a big picture in mind. His lessons are all part of the big picture. I have many questions about my journey but believe they will come to light some day. My progress is undeniable. If you trust in the process improvement is unavoidable. In one of Tonys first session he called me a guitar player because I showed up and had my guitar. I laughed. Today I do consider myself a guitar player. My laughter now is from pure joy.
2 weeks ago
I've tried guitar before and made some progress learning to finger pick. Then I got frustrated and put it down. It's been so long, I've lost the muscle memory and the fret finger strength. I love music and every time I listen to a player or see one play live I kick myself for stopping. After watching Tony introduce his method I thought I'd give it a try. I'm one week into the 30 Day Challenge and really enjoy it. I've gained some confidence with picking and am gaining speed through the lessons. I'm easily exceeding the practice length I committed to because it's fun and I can hear and feel the progress. When I get frustrated or tense I rewatch the lesson and take Tony's admonitions to relax and have fun to heart. It always works to loosen up and just trust that building a consistent habit will make me a guitar player. I'm looking forward to completing my 30 days and joining the weekly guitar challenge.
2 weeks ago