I was hesitant to join at first, especially when I saw you wearing a Blackhawk Jersey! You see Tony, I live in Michigan, and as you have guessed, the Red Wings are my team. Tony, I am 62 years old, As a child (in the ‘70’s) I wanted to learn guitar and saved my money to buy a guitar. So I had my mom take me to Meijer in Kalamazoo and I bought my 1st guitar for $12. I knew nothing about it. Had my mom sign me up for lessons. My instructor looked at my guitar and told me it was junk and basically threw me out. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement. In 1992, I bought a Sigma. After 32 years, I still can’t play. I have started and stopped more times you can count. So here I am, recently retired. I saw a HD-28 Martin for sale. Decided if I bought it I would have to commit to a lifelong dream, so I did it. Now I have to learn. I listen to your 38 minutes and you hooked me. I have had 2 missed days of playing, since buying my Martin on 4/24/24!