4.8 rating out of 3227 reviews

Steven Snowaert
I was hesitant to join at first, especially when I saw you wearing a Blackhawk Jersey! You see Tony, I live in Michigan, and as you have guessed, the Red Wings are my team. Tony, I am 62 years old, As a child (in the ‘70’s) I wanted to learn guitar and saved my money to buy a guitar. So I had my mom take me to Meijer in Kalamazoo and I bought my 1st guitar for $12. I knew nothing about it. Had my mom sign me up for lessons. My instructor looked at my guitar and told me it was junk and basically threw me out. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement. In 1992, I bought a Sigma. After 32 years, I still can’t play. I have started and stopped more times you can count. So here I am, recently retired. I saw a HD-28 Martin for sale. Decided if I bought it I would have to commit to a lifelong dream, so I did it. Now I have to learn. I listen to your 38 minutes and you hooked me. I have had 2 missed days of playing, since buying my Martin on 4/24/24!
8 months ago
Daniel Causey
Is this guy even real? Or is he some AI generated intity that has sifted through all of the thousands of internet guitar lessons and formulated the perfect plan to learn to play the guitar? This is far and above anything I have found in the past. It's amazing. I am light years ahead of where I left off in just one week.I've had a guitar for 50 years and couldn't even play one song from start to finish. From the lessons and practices I've done over the years I was learning all of the incorrect ways to play. This push through method is such a simple concept all of the best teachers have missed it. Tony is simple (no pun) He keeps it simple while encouraging his students to push on. Playing that song on the first was genius. If you want to learn to play guitar, no matter what your goals are or what stage along in your goal, you will move up exponentially with this instrution. Thank you, Tony. Your have a special gift. Danny
Review photo
8 months ago
John call me (Jack )
Hey man been flat out here I got another week and I can get a chance to check things out been following you of and on for some time I liked what I been seeing it will be a Miracle if learn but going to try👍
8 months ago
I took guitar lessons for about 6 months when I was 19 years old. I played now and then for a couple of years, but only knew a couple of songs. Then life happened and my guitar sat in a closet for 40 years. I'm now 61years old and pretty much forgot everything I learned when I was younger. I hesitated to sign up for TAC because I felt in person lessons would be more beneficial than online lessons. I no longer feel that way. I've only been a member for 1 week, but have worked through weeks 1 & 2 of the 30 Day Challenge and I'm currently on the 3rd week. I love Tony's way of teaching me to use my 'fret hand' to move my fingers around the fret board and my strumming/picking hand to learn where the strings are. I'm not there yet, but I'm starting to feel where my fingers are (which string and which fret my fingers are on), and which string or strings I'm strumming. I like how Tony says, "don't expect perfection, just keep moving forward. Excited to see where I'll be in 30 days.
8 months ago
Rich Christensen
I just started Tony's Acoustic Challenge this week and am having a blast. I took lessons about thirty-five years ago and just started playing again upon retirement. I had simply been playing chords and songs and am now enjoying learning picking skills, learning the blues baseline, scales and the fretboard.
8 months ago
Rich Christensen
I just started with Tony's Acoustic Challenge but am having a blast. I took lessons about thirty-five years ago and just started playing again upon retirement. I had simply been playing chords and songs and am enjoying learning picking skills, learning the blues baseline, scales and the fretboard.
8 months ago