Only a week into TAC. So far glad I signed up. It's helpful to start out with a focus and then venture out and explore. While watching a free guitar lesson on YouTube your infomercial popped up, and for whatever reason I clicked it. Red flag was the word "secrets" but I continued watching. Did not sign up for a while because anytime someone says they have the secret formula or answer, I don't believe it. In-person lessons were not for me, because it was exactly like you said in the video..."So, what do you want to work on today?" What did I want to work on? How the heck should I know? I'm a beginner! So down the rabbit hole with a plethora of guitar books and videos - just like in your infomercial! I had all this info accumulated, memorized, and practiced regularly, but had information overload. What I like about TAC so far is working on the areas separately then combing it all in a song at the end of the practice. You've put a lot of time into the breakdowns and it's logi