4.8 rating out of 3227 reviews

Really enjoy the classes! Makes it easier to find some time almost everyday. I would recommend it to anyone!
8 months ago
Dave Vollmer
I’ve taken many guitar lessons over the years, but after just a couple of weeks with this program, I feel like I’ve made more progress than ever before. The format is fantastic and the lessons are laid out in a very logical way, making it easy to follow and stay motivated.In fact, I’m so encouraged by my progress that I don’t want to break my practice habit, even as I go on a long weekend vacation to celebrate my wedding anniversary. That’s why I’m taking my guitar with me—because I now truly consider myself a guitar player.Thank you so much for this excellent program. It’s been a game-changer for me!
8 months ago
Gary L Ries
I've played guitar for 60 years. Four open chords in three keys plus a capo. The lead was me singing. The fretboard was a stick used to hold the open chord positions in place.I've learned more and had more fun playing in the last thirty days than in the last thirty years.Thank you, Tony!!!!
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8 months ago
Patti Conley
I've been with TAC for 8 weeks. I'm so glad I found Tony's Acoustic Challenge! I restarted playing guitar a few years ago when I retired to accompany my singing. I have mainly been a basic strummer with a few picking patterns. And now I'm learning so much more and I love it! My career was teaching adults vocational skills at a community college. I have to say that Tony's Acoustic Challenge has it all - All the right content and teaching methods/pedagogy. For beginning level and up.Thank you Tony.
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9 months ago
Well, where to start. First started playing guitar around 20, but never had anyone to show me how. Now I'm 77 and want to learn. Been trying for about 5 years with no real success. Now I'm getting serious about it. Struggling with finger pain, but I know that just takes time. I've been working in the first week for 2 weeks in the 30 day challenge, and trying to get some calloses before moving on. I'm sticking with it on a daily basis.
9 months ago
Samantha S
I'm actually excited to pick up the guitar when i get home and play all the things I've learned, then log in when i have a few extra minutes to learn something new. I'm not a big fan of the blues so some of these lessons are more of an ugh to me, but I'm getting there! I started with a guitar that I've had for almost 20 years in my closet. My fingers were so painful i almost gave up...i took it in to see if the action was too high. It was waaaay to high but it was because the bottom was coming unglued. It was crazy $ to get reglued but instead had them take me to the acoustic guitar room. Wow! I found a Mitchell for just over 100.00 on clearance and it sounds so much more different than the old one! I'm glad i took it in instead of being frustrated and quitting. I love my new guitar, and it's SOOOOO much easier to play. I love the course!
9 months ago