4.8 rating out of 3232 reviews

I've tried guitar before and made some progress learning to finger pick. Then I got frustrated and put it down. It's been so long, I've lost the muscle memory and the fret finger strength. I love music and every time I listen to a player or see one play live I kick myself for stopping. After watching Tony introduce his method I thought I'd give it a try. I'm one week into the 30 Day Challenge and really enjoy it. I've gained some confidence with picking and am gaining speed through the lessons. I'm easily exceeding the practice length I committed to because it's fun and I can hear and feel the progress. When I get frustrated or tense I rewatch the lesson and take Tony's admonitions to relax and have fun to heart. It always works to loosen up and just trust that building a consistent habit will make me a guitar player. I'm looking forward to completing my 30 days and joining the weekly guitar challenge.
2 weeks ago
Liston Kirkwood
I’m nearing the end of my first week and I’m very pleased with my progress so far. The TAC program works great for me and Tony does a great job of explaining everything he’s doing on the guitar so I can mimic the same. I’m brand new to the guitar but I have no doubt that I will get a great deal out of this program! I am very excited about the music to come! Thank you Tony!
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2 weeks ago
Leo C. Tucker
I am on vacation and took my travel guitar so I would not miss a day. I do not think I have had this much fun learning something so challenging. I am an avid golfer and this is the only thing I would prefer doing than golf. My wife is thrilled. Thanks for all the great patient training and support.
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2 weeks ago
Keith Walsh
Great beginner course, very informative, helpful and Tony explains things in a way makes sense to a beginner. Very easy to stay positive and learn at a pace that is encouraging and motivational. I look forward to playing the guitar every chance I get.Although I am struggling with my middle finger hitting other strings. I have to really take my time on like the g chord with my finger deadening the strings. I’ll get there hopefully.
2 weeks ago
John Teller
I've been playing guitar for over 30 years and felt stuck doing the same strum patterns with the songs I enjoy. I decided to take the Challenge to see if I could add more to my guitar playing. I spend no less than 1/2 hour each day with TAC and believe I am becoming more proficient with the addition of small anecdotes that make my playing more interesting. I never worked on scales but only chords. Moving around the fretboard is also adding a great deal to my ability to improvise during a song. I believe TAC is for anyone at any level who really loves playing the guitar. We never stop learning.
2 weeks ago
David Marchetti
Everything looks great. Had not time to really start as am finishing up my music room. Can't wait to really get going
2 weeks ago