4.8 rating out of 3222 reviews

Christer Wallin
Fairly new member and a beginner on guitar. Had a bumpy trip the first weeks with a flew knocking me out for several days. Now started to play and really appreciate the very well structured course plan and of course the content of the daily challenges. I make progress all the time and that is encouraging even though I struggle with the excercises as a beginner. Determined to follow the advise and play every day and believe the setup will be successful. The video material is top class and Tony is such a great person to listen to.
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9 months ago
R. Phillips
I tried playing the guitar years ago and wish I hadn’t given up so quickly. It’s easy to want to quit when things don’t come easy, but Tony gives encouragement and gently pushes you out of your comfort zone by providing a variety of lessons. So far so good!
9 months ago
Dave Gibbar
Love the format and lesson plan. I am making progress and putting some fun licks together. Recently showed TAC to my son-in-law. He wanted to take lessons too so My wife and I purchased a membership for him also.
9 months ago
Neil M
Tony's Acoustic Challenge is a perfect way for a newbie to learn guitar! The process of pushing the student pass their ability while still being super encouraging is an art that many teachers don't have. Very happy with TAC, the fact that the challenges return on a quarterly basis takes the pressure off a newbie to learn it all at once.
9 months ago
Darren (Moonhare) Tansley
I am a 'Lockdown Guitarist'. I decided that after 40 years dabbling with a few chords on guitar but never getting past 5th fret and often not touching the guitar for years at a time I would try TAC. Three years later my playing has come on leaps and bounds and more importantly, I have been consistent. With the daily TAC routine I have never enjoyed playing and improving so much and I have made friends in the TAC community both online and for real life get-togethers in the UK. I will soon do my first live Open Mic - my next big challenge - but none of this would have happened without TAC. Thanks Tony!
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9 months ago
Ronaldo Guimaraes
It has been only a week I have joined the TAC. So far, my first impression is great. It is a strategy that is working for me. I need directions and guidance on what to learn and play. With Tony's Acoustic Challenge is easy to follow. The way the "Learn" and "Play" videos are presented is so clear and straight to follow along. After trying several online guitar lessons, it looks like I found something that will hold me along. Although the lessons are for acoustic guitar and I like to play the electric guitar, I hope the program will allow me to play the electric guitar until the end. I am very disciplined, so I am practicing every day, 7 day a week at least one hour. Well, this was the schedule for the first week. I hope to continue on this pace. Thanks, Tony, for putting together guitar lessons that makes us feel like guitar players and also been able to congregate a lot of people pursuing the same goal and dream, to become a real guitar player. Cheers!!!!
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9 months ago