4.8 rating out of 3050 reviews

Paula Blakely
I’ve been practicing a lot and doing my Daily challenges which I enjoy. I would like to learn a whole song cause I really enjoyed the Bon Jovi and John Pine songs you taught.#1 song of 2024 was Flowers…I would love a lesson on that song. Been watching YouTube videos for Flowers trying to,learn it but I love how Tony breaks things down and the Tabs, Play along and Backgrounds he provides.Show me some love with some Flowers…..
10 months ago
Bob Smith
Wow! Thanks for the upgrade. The website/app is way more responsive. It seemed to take forever before ... now its super fast.
10 months ago
Isabelle Marty
I signed up a week ago and I’m very pleased with what I learned so far. The site is easy to navigate, the lessons are precise, focused on one topic to master, and long enough to not be overwhelmed. For once, everything makes sense. I’m building fingers strength and mobility, it takes time but practicing it the way Tony teaches is not boring. Having fun while learning is a blessing. The course is strongly structured, I love the step by step approach, I’m confident in my ability to finally get playing the guitar thanks to the detailed instructions. The website is great, it’s a useful resource. I love it! Thank you 🙏
10 months ago
Paul Smith
I have been subscribed the the YouTube channel for a year or so and watched many of the episodes. Yet, I was still not ready to become member. There was always one continual message that it didn't matter if I learned fast or slow or faltered and then eventually progressed at my pace it was all good. The main focus is the passion for learning and the enjoyment of music. So after staring at my guitar and mindlessly whamming away in a generally hideous fashion, I decided to join. I am very happy I did join. At first it was an honest struggle as I had not read music, tablature, or had any music learning structure in over 45 years. I like being able to slow the video lesson down and compliment the lesson with tablature then speed it up and see improvement at my pace. In my opinion the TAC lesson structure focuses on tactile, audio, and visual learning principals that affirm fundamental skills and core knowledge, that can be applied to any style of music. Cheers,Paul
10 months ago
John Buerkert
I’ve been a TAC member since 1/1/2024. There are a lot of guys out on the internet selling their guitar method and I’ve taken a lot of in-person lessons, but I haven’t seen or met anyone who is as sincerely earnest and interested as Tony in getting you to be successful at the guitar.
10 months ago
Anthony J Carchedi (Tony)
I joined TAC about a week ago, and have found it an excellent study platform to accelerate my guitar playing journey. I've just completed the initial 30-Day beginners challenge and am about to embark on the techniques. Background: I'm a 75 y/o guitar player wannabee. tried playing in the 60's, took a few private lessons, but didn't do very well. I had an electric which I traded it in for an acoustic when I entered the US service. Put the guitar in a closet after and resurrected it about 5 years ago. Been watching several YouTube instructors to try and self-teach to play. Some success with the basics on those video's but need a course with more structure and a path to follow. I came across Tony's AC promotions and decided to dive in. So far going thru the basics in TAC and making my learning a daily practice routine, has given me confidence that I will be successful in playing. Can't wait to get thru the fundamentals and start the daily challenges. Thank you, Tony, for this cour
10 months ago