4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Ray Rice
If you're looking to learn how to play guitar, Tony's your guy. For me, the best thing about the videos Tony has put together is how concise they are. What I mean by that is Tony presents the material in small pieces making learning the material easier than having an hour long video that goes overboard on multiple techniques trying to be conveyed, It's bite size pieces of material that builds on the prior pieces that Tony has presented. Great job TAC!!
10 months ago
Lisa Jonassen
I am just starting out with this program but I have to say I love it. I am 63 years old and have attempted to be a guitar player for 50 of those years! I have always had a guitar since I was 12 years old and have taken lessons on and off through that time. I found this program was ideal for me because of my past knowledge and as a result it was successful and fun for me right from the start. When I was debating whether or not to sign up for the program I saw that Tony referenced B.J. Fogg and that, believe it or not, sealed the deal for me. I have ADHD and have a hard time making and sticking to long term "habits" so I was familiar with and love the Tiny Habits program created by B.J. Fogg. The way the program is structured really helps with creating a practice habit. Thanks Tony for developing this program. I may actually become a real guitar player after all!
10 months ago
Todd S
I really enjoy how Tony breaks this into simple buckets
10 months ago
Stephen B
Having fun with TAC . I always look forward to it even if I’m not that good at it.
10 months ago
Scott Smith
I have been playing guitar for a very long time, but when I learned to play, I reached a plateau and never really progressed much after that. After one week with TAK, I have learned some new skills and also a much better understanding of how to navigate the fretboard. If I can make this much progress in a week, I can't even imagine what it will do for me after a year!
10 months ago
Ann King
I love Tony’s teaching method. I’ve been a member for a couple of months. Probably not where I should be but am having fun learning. Will keep going!!
10 months ago