4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Hi. Tony it's Chris again I been on the TAC reviewing this week's lessons so good and easy it makes me not to put down my guitar. I thought it was a sells pitch but after joining I am playing the blues shuffle with ease and the daily challenge are so fun to do,now I'm playing with fun and enjoyment for the first time.The 10 minutes turns in to hours of fun.Thanks so much for having my back and not leaving me hang with the guitar it super fun...
10 months ago
David Kreinberg
As a total beginner (age 65!), I am approaching guitar at ground zero. I have found Tony's course to be my perfect introduction. The lessons and tips are bite-sized with just enough information for me not to feel overwhelmed. Other teachers I have followed give a firehose gush that go way over my head. As a result, I feel lost and give up.Tony is a great teacher and I have made tremendous progress in a very short amount of time. Bravo on a super program!
10 months ago
Bob Crow
Sometimes all you need are a few things explained in such a way that you have the much desired AH-HA! Moment This happened to me immediately with the TAC program…..this style of learning hits me directly in the brain.
10 months ago
Chuck Larsen
Being 72 and only playing a week, this program is awesome. I have been able to improve every day! It’s great!
10 months ago
Henry Curtis
Hi TonyBoth Jean and I are really enjoying the course but probably 'cos we're a bit ancient we are not rushing it. We've done the 30 day course and nearly finished the 5 and found that your explanations are excellent and encouraging - the material is nicely graded too. Memorising this stuff is difficult but with the TAB to lean on it falls into place.
10 months ago
So far I've found this to be the most inviting way to become a better guitar player. It draws me back each day to see if I can pick up a bit more.
10 months ago