4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Cynthia Loubier
My hesitation was simply that TAC is an online asynchronous program without personal attention. Because of the nature of the program, my particular needs are not, yet, addressed. The thing I struggle with still is having small hands which makes reaching for chords and chord transitions challenging. When I played guitar previously, I self-taught, by learning how to use alternate tuning. All of that said, I still have been able to learn many things about playing guitar that I did not know. As a person who works in higher education, I can say from experience that TAC is very well-structured. I will be continuing with TAC to get as much as I can from TAC courses and continue to search for some tailored lessons for people like myself. The other great benefit of TAC is that there is a community. I would recommend TAC to other people who want to learn guitar.
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11 months ago
Rick Lemoine
There was hesitation because it was on line and I grew up at a time when music lessons were face to face. I was not interested in face to face. The intro video was convincing and a few days after watching it I signed up. I was initially sceptical of the “fun” guideline, but it is indeed the foundation. I play no less than an hour as 10 minutes doesn’t cut it for me. Some times I’d keep going if it wasn’t for other things to do! After 3 months I found myself free styling without conscious thought nor effort as my fingers “just go” to the correct frets and strings, with hammer ins and pull offs just happening in their own. I could go on but I won’t. What I will say is that if I had signed up for face to face lessons I’d likely still be learning the Dm chord finger placement and not playing Let It Be three different ways! The program is well designed for you to succeed at any pace, but good luck trying to only play for 10 minutes ;).
11 months ago
Tom S
I have learned and advanced more in 2 months than the last 3 times I tried to learn combined over 20 years! I am a guitar player now!! Thank you Tony!!
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11 months ago
Edward Lovas
I have really enjoyed my experience so far. I love how the lessons are structured and I have seen improvement in my playing. I look forward to finishing my 30 day refresh course and diving into the program.
11 months ago
Really enjoying the program so far.
11 months ago
Steven Kuchta
I really like the way Tony can lay out a lesson. Having said that, has anyone else noticed a bug in the 90 day routine pdf?The text box at the bottom of the page under "What was awesome about your guitar playing this week?" will overwrite other pages on some pages. Try writing something in weeks 1, 2 and 3. And 5 and 6. Or is this my private gremlin?
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11 months ago