4.8 rating out of 3038 reviews

Frank Safranyos
I am a senior senior citizen & so finances & technology played a role in my hesitation to become a member. However after doing some research, my skepticism began to shrink due to the intelligent & organizational information given on your site, i thought that the huge discount in savings & a good guitar course on line would be way more beneficial than just dabbling & bouncing from one site to another for just bits & pieces that I wanted to be & am a guitar player through consistency even considering my age and decreased mobility…i would give this course a chance & i am very very thankful i did!! I think its beneficial to all genres of guitar music!! Thank you for helping me to get better!!!!….it may not be easy for me but I am all in for TAC!!!
11 months ago
Tim Beck
I am SOOO enjoying these lessons! I tried learning the guitar when I was a kid and never got beyond the third week. Now, working my way through the 30 Days to Play exercises, I am enjoying practicing usually twice a day, sometimes more! I think Tony's methods and explanations are outstanding and I can feel myself getting better each day. I'm so glad I signed up for these classes!
Review photo
11 months ago
Fox Argent
I am over the moon at how much I am enjoying Tony's Acoustic Challenge. I am getting bettter every day and more importantly feeling that desire to pick up the guitar. The way Tony teaches is gamified and are in bite size chunks instead of large 1 hour lessons.Try it, you will love it I am sure.
11 months ago
Really enjoying the TAC series- such a positive motivational experience compared to anything I’ve tried over the last 40 years. I’m definitely committed and would recommend it. I’m slowly progressing but Tony explains the process and patterns in such a way - the light bulb finally clicks!
11 months ago
Christopher Bruno
I have been a member for only a week but ... so far, so good. I had been noodling around with the guitar off and on (mostly off) for decades but I am really enthused about this method. I am 6 days into the 30 Days to Play Challenge and it is very nice to have clear-cut directions to follow. I find myself enjoying the playing rather than dreading the fact that I "have to" practice. A real game changer.
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11 months ago
Leolani Lowry
I’ve been playing guitar since I was 14 and loved it so much, in college I majored in music and studied classical guitar. Then life got busy after college and I just started playing from chord charts, enjoyed singing and playing guitar for fun. 50 years later, I realized I have not advanced in my guitar playing and want to get serious about learning more. This is my first week and I’ve learned so much than any other guitar lessons I've tried. I’ve also never used a pick - boy do I feel clumsy! Tony is a good teacher (I've had many) and the course is challenging enough so I don’t think boredom will ever be an issue. This program is great for beginners and for those who want to learn more. I travel a lot so I appreciate that I can go at my own speed without feeling like I’m getting behind. I would highly recommend giving TAC a try!
11 months ago