4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Only a week into TAC. So far glad I signed up. It's helpful to start out with a focus and then venture out and explore. While watching a free guitar lesson on YouTube your infomercial popped up, and for whatever reason I clicked it. Red flag was the word "secrets" but I continued watching. Did not sign up for a while because anytime someone says they have the secret formula or answer, I don't believe it. In-person lessons were not for me, because it was exactly like you said in the video..."So, what do you want to work on today?" What did I want to work on? How the heck should I know? I'm a beginner! So down the rabbit hole with a plethora of guitar books and videos - just like in your infomercial! I had all this info accumulated, memorized, and practiced regularly, but had information overload. What I like about TAC so far is working on the areas separately then combing it all in a song at the end of the practice. You've put a lot of time into the breakdowns and it's logi
11 months ago
The best guitar teaching method I have come across. Tony makes learning guitar so much fun. Thanks!
11 months ago
Glenn Wilber
Joined TAC in July of 2023 and tomorrow will be 200 days of logging into the daily challenge and I am really looking forward to it! I had not progressed much after 30 years of trying to learn guitar by various means like books, videos, and in-person guitar lessons. Tony and his team have put together a great process for learning to play the guitar and enjoy doing it. Thanks to Fretboard Wizard I have a greater understanding of the guitar and increased my knowledge of music theory, something I have been needing for years. I can also say that TAC customer service was fantastic when I had a question recently. My only regret is not finding TAC sooner.
11 months ago
Dave Mienko
I'm very glad that I joined. I'm retired, and playing guitar is something I've always wanted to do. I've made pretty good progress in a short time and have found enjoyment in simply playing. The teaching method and available tools truly resonate with how I learn. I'm looking forward to graduating to the point of playing the daily challenges. Thanks for a great learning experience.
11 months ago
Mark Hall
I've been a member for a while now; however, I did not start logging in and actually taking the classes regularly until January of this year. I committed to it, finally, and have been more consistent. Since then I have noticed a considerable change in my desire to play guitar. Although I am still waiting for that light-bulb moment he keeps talking about, I do believe the intimidation I have always felt about learning how to play guitar is starting to diminish. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in learning this instrument. 5 Stars!!
11 months ago
Carol Guilfoyle
I am very impressed by this method of teaching someone how to play guitar. I'm progressing slowly but I am progressing for the first time in my goal to learn to play guitar. I appreciate the clear and concise directions given and it encourages me to play every day. Some days I just don't have it in me to learn something new but I still play almost every day. I need to review lessons a lot in order to get it but I have played almost every day since I started.
11 months ago