4.9 rating out of 2785 reviews

Eric Oesterle
Hi Tony. This is the start of my third year of being a TAC member so I was initially surprised by all the emails. However, I realized that they are also great for TAC members that have been at it for a while. In my case, I've been challenged with establishing my Guitar Habit Recipe because of having a looser schedule while semi-retired and, honestly, a lack of discipline. I did realize something I missed previously - Momentum over Mastery. I had previously fallen behind with the Daily Challenges on a routine basis because I was trying to master each one before moving on and trying like heck to catch up on the weekends. All that said, having been a TAC member for the last two years has greatly improved my skill as a guitar player and the emails received upon renewing TAC membership for another year have inspired me to get my guitar journey started again after a short pause. Thanks Tony for helping to guide my journey! Hoping to visit you in Bozeman during my travels in retirement.
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a week ago
Jim Lutz
Tony's program works. Stick with it and you'll find success!This program got me through the pandemic and my wife's battle with cancer with my sanity intact. I have recommended it to many others and they are having success too.Tony is an amazing teacher. After years of noodling, I am finally playing songs and having a blast! Thank you Tony and TAC familyJim Ogunquit Maine :-)
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a week ago
I have been playing guitar for years and have been seeking a way to get "better." TAC offers a comprehensive approach that I am able to do that helps me become more skilled every day. The music TAC offers is fun to do and helps me be motivated to practice.
a week ago
Jeff Collins
Tony, I’ve been a TAC member for several years now; it is the bestEarning tool out there. I love the week long lessons of different pieces of a song which all comes together at the end of the week. My problem is consistency, but when I’m on routinely, I really improve. I should probably just become a life member, lol. I used to also love Acoustic Tuesdays and look back at some on Youtube. But I see you occassionally have a recent post on now and again, keepupthe good work. I recently am looking to learn fingerstyle,you have plenty on the site formeright now. I even saw some of your reviews for small body guitars, love to one on Martin CEO-7; so much so I just bought one through Reverb. Can’t wait for it to come and join my Martin Family of D-28, D12-28, DX2e. TheCEO-7 Will be my first non Dreadnaught.
2 weeks ago
Barb Kimbrew
This is an awesome program! I have learned more in the last two months than I ever did taking personal lessons. I am loving it. Also, the Fretboard Wizard is awesome. It's a lot to learn, but it unlocks the fretboard so much! Thanks! I can't wait to keep learning and playing!
2 weeks ago
UG Lee
Tony I’m like so many other TAC members. I’ve played off and on for years, but I love the teaching style and I have made greater gains in a short period of time than I ever did with a personal teacher. I’m loving it. Plus your a Hockey goalie and I’ve been shooting pucks at goalies for 50 years and figured I owed it to give you a try lol. If your five hole is as quick as your guitar playing you must be unbeatable. Thanks for the great lessons. I highly recommend TAC and I’m having a blast playing guitar again.
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2 weeks ago