4.8 rating out of 3234 reviews

Michael Rivera
This is my 4th day of the guitar challenge and I'm having fun learning Tony is the best and puts things in easy to understand form. I'm 59 years old and have taking guitar lessons in the past and always got frustrated and quit. Tony's way of teaching makes each day exiting and fun. Can't wait to see what the future holds. My main goal is to someday be able to sit down in front of my friends and family and play guitar and see enjoyment from the music I'm playing and even have other musicians playing with me as well.
3 weeks ago
Mike Rush
I taught myself to play 50 years ago and played rhythm and bass for about a decade, then put it away for the next 40 years. Since retiring I’ve wanted to get back to playing but never found the interest to really do it. Tony’s program has not only got me using proper technique (big changes!) but now I am playing with interest and purpose every day. I am learning new things quickly. Well worth joining Tony’s program for me! Thanks for putting this together Tony.
3 weeks ago
Spot on lessons and documentation for support. My only criticism is that I need time to rest sore fretting fingers and left hand finger positioning and stretching exercises. The pace of the 30 days to play did not allow me time to savor my successes It has been 55 years since I have last spent constructive enjoyment with my guitar
3 weeks ago
As a re-beginner I am very impressed with how much improvement I've made in just a week. The intricacies of hand positioning and finger positioning have helped a lot. I also enjoy not just practicing but actually making music while practicing. Tony's method so far is making me want to get up and play the guitar everyday not being frustrated like I was before. I have no doubt that I will play in front of friends and family and they can also be equally as impressed with my singing voice. Haha.
3 weeks ago
Bruce Campbell
My guitar journey started with a lefty Fender acoustic that sat in the stand and mocked me. After years of that I finally got serious and started with books and YouTube and some private lessons. TAC has been great for me. I like how the challenges build upon each other through out the week.
3 weeks ago
Coulter Winn
I “played” guitar a bit in college. I decided to pick it up again 50 years later..From the first lesson, I discovered there were things that I either didn’t know or was doing incorrectly. I am taking the “forget what I thought I knew” approach and diligently going through everything step by step. Tony is a great instructor and his method is very effective. I am trying to play as much as my “tender fingertips” will allow fresh out of the starting gate.One more thing..I was never using a guitar pick properly - Tony has put me on the path towards fixing that I am really excited about this course and seeing how much fun I can have on the guitar journey that Tony has made available for all of us.I highly recommend this course.
3 weeks ago