4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

I have picked my guitar more in the last 30 days than I have in the last 6 mths ,it’s great because there is something new every day but it all ties in for the whole week .The best thing is all I have to do is turn up and that’s up to me thanks Tony
a year ago
Wasn’t sure about signing up. Have tried to do a few online guitar classes but never managed to keep going. 10 days into Tony’s course and I’ve played every day. Fingers are pleasantly sore. The course is a nice mix of useful tips on how to play with enough theory to appeal to my geekier side. I can also transition to a C-chord more smoothly than I’ve ever managed previously. So that feels like progress. Early days but hopeful that playing the guitar the way I’ve always wanted to maybe within reach.
a year ago
Will Schaub
I started to leave a much longer response then encountered the word limit. Bottom line: I'm totally digging your course. I've been trying (at least wanting) to learn to play my guitar for 30 years but gotten nowhere at all. My wife bought me your course for Christmas, and at this point, it's taken me 6 weeks to get through Week 3 of your 30 Days to Play, but I don't care. I'm playing at least a little bit most days. My fingers are toughening up, so I can practice for longer stretches at a time. I like your style- clear, positive, encouraging, while still seeming realistic. I don't feel like I have a lot of natural ability, but I'm definitely improving which is very motivating.
a year ago
Dale Langner
Hi TonyI tried the number #1 recommended online guitar lessons.There was not the direction, I felt like I was bouncing around. However the more I looked at your YouTube videos and going through the little booklets the more I saw direction that I can follow. After joining now for the last week I really appreciate that I don't have to guess what to do next. I'm still working on getting finger speed. I have always worked hard with my hands. So it's about strength in the fingers and not speed. Not to mention they are 71 years old. That being said I enjoy the way you are teaching and plan to maintain my daily routine. Thank you
a year ago
Still in my first week, but it's going great! I'm a middle-aged guy who has been wanting to learn the guitar for years. Tony has made it easy and convinced me that I could learn the guitar with minimal commitment each day. Tony advertises just needing 10 min each day, but I've found enjoyment while learning the basics and have spent 20-45 minutes daily trying to get the hang of it...I expect this program to continue going very well for me....and look forward to the daily challenges after my 30 day challenge. Thanks Tony!
Review photo
a year ago
TAC is incredible. The amount of content available is perfect for any guitar style you can find. I'm so glad I signed up for this. It has changed my guitar life from almost non existence to playing almost everyday. Thank you Tony.
a year ago