4.9 rating out of 2786 reviews

Mark Bowlus (Lesley)
This is best teaching method with a really great teacher! I ‘have always loved guitar but i’m the poster man that personifies the pitfalls of everyone that struggles. I’m going slower than i expected, partly because my wife decided to learn with me. So my schedule isn’t keeping up at the pace i originally wanted. But i’ve decided to go at this slower pace Tony! I know now that i will succeed! Thank you Tony..you are the first teacher that will help me be a an accomplished guitarist!! I’m 70 years old this year! I have hope!!!
2 months ago
Jim B
Been in TAC now for around 2 months or so. I like Tony’s teaching style. The 10 minutes a day turns into more once I start playing. I’m far from being anywhere near the level of playing I want to be. But day by day I keep the grind on. I actually videotaped my first day. Then at 30 day’s, then at 60 days. If you think you’re not getting anywhere. Go back and watch each and every 30 days that you put in. You will be amazed at what you have accomplished!
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2 months ago
Laura Petitt
I've never had so much fun playing the guitar! I stopped playing for years because I would just pick it up and wonder what to play, do a few scales or chords and then get frustrated. Now I'm learning so much and feeling very accomplished! Thanks Tony for this wonderful, unique, collaborative way to learn and enjoy the guitar!
2 months ago
Have been a member of TAC for about 2 months. Very pleased with the course. I enjoy Tonys' method of teaching. This is far superior to a different online course I tried. I find I don't get "lost" in the challenges /classes as I did in the other online guitar course I tried. Making much better progress here. Tony teaches in a manner that works well for me. I think I found a home!
2 months ago
Rick Stockton
So far, I'm at a lost. It's has been twenty years since I last took lessons and that was Spanish style: reading notes and using thumb and fingers. I'm now trying to read chords and trying to place my finger on the springs, but my eighty year old hands are not working that good. I have two guitars: Epiphone C-10/NA with a wide fret board and an Ibanez FF&NT with a narrow neck. I have finger out how to read the tab notes and working on remember the placement of my fingers.
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2 months ago
Deb Dooris
Tony's challenge has gotten me out of my comfort zone and helped me to develop skills that I have always dreamed of having. It's still a long road but I look forward to learning more each day! Great teaching style!!
2 months ago