4.8 rating out of 3235 reviews

Coulter Winn
I “played” guitar a bit in college. I decided to pick it up again 50 years later..From the first lesson, I discovered there were things that I either didn’t know or was doing incorrectly. I am taking the “forget what I thought I knew” approach and diligently going through everything step by step. Tony is a great instructor and his method is very effective. I am trying to play as much as my “tender fingertips” will allow fresh out of the starting gate.One more thing..I was never using a guitar pick properly - Tony has put me on the path towards fixing that I am really excited about this course and seeing how much fun I can have on the guitar journey that Tony has made available for all of us.I highly recommend this course.
3 weeks ago
Mark Doty
I have been a dabbler for many years stopping and starting and generally feeling like I was too busy to learn and progress with my guitar. Doing it myself was not getting me where I want to be. I saw the Acoustic Challenge and some other ads but I connected with what Tony’s philosophy is better than any of the other learning sites. I’m about 7 days in trying to get my fingers toughened up and learning some very helpful tips. I am also into week 2 of the 30 day challenge and sticking to Tony’s “at least 10 minutes” per day which is more often 30 to 60 minutes. I like the consistency and accountability and look forward to improving each week.
3 weeks ago
David B
I find the concept of the short duration lessons works well, like taking small bites of a chocolate bar,extending the sweet experience.. Some of the exercises are things I don't see myself using much, but the exposure is welcome. Thanks ell, like taking little bites from a chocalate bar
3 weeks ago
Bob K
TAC is a nice way to add structure to daily practice that encourages you to pick up the guitar, play and keep learning new things. Tony is a great teacher and his videos make it enjoyable to follow and learn. I have been doing this program for years and highly recommend it. Give it a try and it will bring you joy.
Review photo
4 weeks ago
Curt W
I enjoyed the first week a lot. Found my ability level was a bit ahead but I still leaned some things and looked forward to different challenges each day. I am sure it will get more and more fun as it surpasses my skill level . I am going to get my grandson signed up and do the journey together.
4 weeks ago
I started formal lessons at 12 years old, continued lessons from a relative which basically was how to play chords and copy what others were doing without any understanding. I played in a band through high school, taught myself bass guitar, went off to college and didn't pick up the guitar again until about 15 years ago. I wanted to learn slide and took in-person lessons which was a mix of slide and finger picking. Again, the teacher was a gifted musician but his approach was what do you want to play and I'll show you how. I've also looked at other online programs. TAC, I think has the most practical approach since most people pick up the guitar and want to play at a certain level and are disappointed when they measure their progress in terms of what they can't do instead of what they can do. TAC emphasizes the small steps and to look at the glass as half full. The short lesson periods and the breakdown of each challenge into usable technique chunks over time creates an environment of small successes, visible progress and ultimately the big picture of having a level of proficiency at playing the guitar. The Fretboard Wizard is also a valuable tool since it distills down the necessary music theory so that the student better understands the what and the why which defines the path to the how. Tony has painstakingly put together a program that I think caters more toward the person that just wants to be able to play at a respectable level and have fun. In my guitar journey, I've alway picked up my guitar and tried to learn new things and then become distracted and not pick it up for weeks. With Tony's program, I do in fact follow the weekly challenges and play every day. The short daily pieces to the weekly challenge are manageable and allows for one to see progress. And it's not expected that you will get every challenge right away. You do have to practice. But you're motivated to do so. This program may not be for everyone and those critical of the program, I believe, are not looking at it for what it is and its intention. Those critics are the glass half empty crowd. I was skeptical at first but if you commit and follow the program you will succeed. One final note, is that Tony sincerity and enthusiasm are real. He is dedicated to providing a successful online program. I give TAC a big thumbs up.
4 weeks ago