4.8 rating out of 3014 reviews

I took lessons back in junior high school and never progressed very much. Fast forward 50 years and I ;m trying again how to play this thing called the guitar! My win so far is learning the different shapes one can use for the same root chord. Looking forward to learning the fretboard more completely.
a year ago
Gary Nolan
Thank T! Been treading water in the guitar pool since college. I’m loving picking it up each day with an actual purpose. In only two months I’ve been able to understand more about the fretboard than I had for 20 years of dabbling. No joke. Credit to your system. Strong work - thanks and please keep it up.
a year ago
Phil B
Thank you Tony, and your entire team! Like many TAC members, my guitar journey started as a kid. Played a lot through my 20's until family and career took center stage. My old guitar lived in its case for better than 30 years but for a few short attempts to get back in the groove. With retirement looming, I finally dedicated myself to making music again. I started live group lessons and had fun but progress was slow. Stumbled upon one of Tony's videos on how to develop an effect practice routine and joined TAC right away. That was nearly 4 years ago and the positive change in my life has been profound. I play my guitar daily, practice with focus and have FUN with the guitar. I am now a better guitar player than I was as a young man. I've met so many wonderful people, both local and around the world through TAC. I start my days with Tony's daily challenge. Over the years Tony has continued to innovate and offer new and inspiring lessons while maintaining the core principles of TAC.
a year ago
I have been a TAC member for about 6 months. I played when I was a kid and got stuck. For years! I did not like the idea of going back to lessons but was ready to resume my guitar journey. I like the idea of playing daily, but there are some weeks when I am traveling or work is just too crazy. It doesn't matter; I just pick up wherever the daily challenge is and try to jump back in. I love the format. The flexibility is right up my alley, but there is a solid structure which has been really helpful in helping me develop skills I never thought I could or would, such as becoming comfortable using a pick or learning enough theory to help me understand my guitar better.
a year ago
Jeff Owens (Jeff73)|
This is an awesome guitar program! I am especially enjoying the new format incorporating songs with the 5 essential skills. I have been playing guitar on and off for 30 years and Tony's Acoustic Challenge works for me. I never had any formal guitar training I was self-taught and I had major holes in my guitar skill set that T.A.C. is filling I am definitely happy with the results I have seen in my 3 years of being a member if you commit to putting in the time this will make a big difference in your playing I would and do recommend this to any and every one interested in learning guitar or if you're like me needing to take it to the next level.
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a year ago
DiscostewLA (Matthew)
Been a TAC member for almost exactly a year and just paid for the lifetime membership. I find the daily lessons an anchor in my guitar journey and all of the extra additional content is fantastic. One of my favorite things is the 'play along with Tony' parts of the Jam course and of course all of the forums where I've received immense support and guidance and inspiration. Rock on TAC family!
a year ago