4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

David Nieder
I didn’t hesitate to sign up for TAC, I signed up as soon as I found it! I completely identified with what you were describing in the ad I signed up right away. I really enjoy the your method of teaching as it exposes the many different skills required to be a guitar player. Your method provides a guided path to be able to actually play some real music! Imagine that! I like to keep going back and reviewing all the past lessons and repeating the different skills. It’s amazing how much better I’ve gotten by doing this. I think TAC is great for the beginning and intermediate players because it offers a guided path for improvement.
a year ago
Jennifer C
I became a lifetime member when I signed up because Tony explained the program well, shared success stories, geared the training toward people who have started and stopped many times throughout their lives. I am one week in and have never felt more like a guitar player than I do now.
a year ago
Bruce Taylor
I’m about a month and a half into “30 Days to Play.” I'm a 75 y/o retired surgeon with arthritic fingers (like they say about cars: it’s not the years, it’s the mileage), so it’s slow going. Currently struggling with the dreaded F chord. But I’m loving it. Your approach to learning is spot on (short sessions, consistently every day). The first few weeks were a little bumpy, but now that it’s become part of my daily routine, most days I can’t wait to pick up the guitar.
Review photo
a year ago
I love this song ... one of my top ten, and now it sounds so much better than the simplistic version that I've been playing for ever. Loved learning the 'walks' to fill the spaces.
a year ago
In order for me to get close to what you are teaching I have to practice a lot ... the material is quite challenging!
a year ago
If you never played guitar and were searching for online lessons, this is the place to start. Tony takes the time to show you and encourages you every step of the journey. I’m only a week into my 30 day to play, that will probably take me 60 days to complete, and have learned more than months of trying to learn from friends. I look forward to practicing because I am a guitarist. Thanks Tony
a year ago