4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Arvel Martin
This is my second time to go through 30 days to play and previously went much further into the instruction. Stopped moving forward about 3 years ago due to arthritic hands and fingers. Doing again now because I have more time and love the guitar. I previously wanted to be a really good finger picker, now I just want to enjoy learning and playing, and do whatever I can. The lessons are great, easy to follow, practice and repeat. My main struggle now is fretting hand and finger position, having to release one finger to reach the next position with another finger. Oh well, any insight from you on that would be appreciated. All the best! ArvelP.S. My favorite guitar is Martin 000-28. Backup is Breedlove Myrtlewood Oregon Concert E. Have a Gretsch Chet Atkins I’ve never played.
a year ago
Hey Tony Im writing with ONE week In Experience and that went By Like SNAP ! so far Im WAY BEHIND " )) ...RrrrrrTony I Have complete Confidence In the Way You have Constructed Your Program.I have Been Looking for This EXACT program My Whole Guitar Life ...NOW ! That doesn't Mean I Want to Be Obligated To TRY Every Night ! BUT !! YOU And The Program Make You Feel That You Have Tooo ! Dimmit !And that's exactly what i need ... : ))No Sir ....I Do Not want to Be Obligated ...But I KNOW Its what i NEED ..And Tony ... As Far As You Personally ..You are Such a Big Burly Guy ...But you Have an Amazing Gentleness and Kindness when I comes to Teaching .YOU have an EXCELLENT Program ...So far In MY Eyes ... Seriously Thank You,, Steve'O
a year ago
Jaclyn (a.k.a. Miss Queue)
I recently hit the two year mark of being part of Tony's Acoustic Challenge and I continue to look forward to playing and completing the daily challenges everyday. When I first started this program, I could play basic chords and generally used 1 - 2 strumming patterns. I never went past the fourth fret of the neck. I would barely ever use my pinkie finger on the neck. Within the first 30 days of the program I was already playing further down the neck, playing individual notes, using a backing track to improv, and learning blues shuffles. Since then, I've learned 3 alternative tuning patterns, how to use a slide, multiple songs, guitar solos, scales, improv using scales, multiple strumming patterns, palm muting, and so much more. I play more consistently than ever before. My finger strength, pick accuracy, and fretboard knowledge improved dramatically.
Review photo
a year ago
Joshua Clouse
Welp been at this for 6 months and have no complaints. The site is very easy to use and is my go to if im not sure what i want to practice. I joined many years ago and quit because i thought learning on you tube was better and free. After many wasted years on you tube i came back to Tonys challenge because not only is the lessons easy to follow it gave me a reason to get to practice everyday cause i felt a feeling of accountability towards me. Tony puts the time in to provide good structure and easy to follow lessons so why not.....
a year ago
Steve Rooney
It turns out that consistency is the key to success in just about everything in life. Certainly Tony understands this. Since joining the program I have been very consistent. Last week while working through the 5 day challenge I started to see that consistency starting to pay off. Watching Tony’s videos and reading the tabulator at the same time, helped me to really understand how to play the lesson. Going forward I am expecting more success just by showing up every day and being open to the lessons.
a year ago
Michael K. Bass
I’m getting back into guitar and Tony is motivating me to play everyday. I’ve learned some cool new licks, and I like his style of teaching.
a year ago