4.8 rating out of 3222 reviews

Dan Van Buskirk
Tony teaches in such a clear and doable way that anyone can learn to play the guitar well and have fun with it everyday! He gives us the gradual building blocks to get through any limitations or roadblocks andour confidence soars. He also give excellent guitar reviews so we can find an instrument that fits us and is easy to play.
a year ago
Jason Knight
I really really like it so far. I’ve been at it for a week. And I learned quite a bit. I’m a beginner. I didn’t pick up the guitar for the first time until November of 2023 so 2 months ago. I tryed YouTube and apps. I learned a few things from them. But I would say I learned more in 1 week with T.A.C then I did with 2 months of the other things. What I love I’m not just learning how to play but what I’m playing and should play. I can’t wait to see where I’m at after 30 days. That’s all I’m focused on is the 30 days. Don’t know if it helps to know I’m 47.
a year ago
Lisa Wells
1st day and I'm actually sounding ok. Not great, but "doable"...making me want to continue on... with an "i think i can do this" attitude. I thank you for this because I have quit so many times and its very frustrating!! I WANT to keep going now. Yay!
a year ago
I joined TAC at what I would call an intermediate level in my guitar journey. It's early days but I'm really enjoying the program and every day so far I've looked forward to the next challenge.I have to confess I've never heard of this week's song but still having a blast with it.I'd love it if the chords and scale patterns could be overlayed onto the instruction video but it works either way so no big deal.Tony seems like a really cool guy, I love how passionate he is and clearly a lot of time and care has gone into every lesson, the journal and that site.I will say though, the site is seriously slow compared to other websites. I have blazingly fast WiFi but the site takes a long time to load. Might just need a server upgrade, who knows.Anyway, here's no the next year with TAC!
Review photo
a year ago
Sue B
Such a cool, fun, well-designed way to learn! So much thought and care have gone into your Challenge and I think you are the ultimate guitar Tony P!! Bravo!!
a year ago
I've been trying to learn for years but always fall into same old ruts. Joined TAC and right away was doing new and different things. I'm having fun and trusting the process.
a year ago