I know NOTHING about music. But I love music. I am almost 60, and finally decided to try to learn to play. I am determined to learn. I may not be good, but I will learn. I’ve been at it about two months now, and I am a bad 3 chord str ummer. I have a long way to go and so much to learn. I play every single day, if only for 30 minutes. I haven’t missed a day. My fingers are fat and slow, and I am slow to pick things up so I have to replay the videos over and over, but Tony is an encourager, and that is what I love most about TAC. He seems to understand the feelings and pitfalls of being a beginner, and he makes it ok to go at my own pace. I will probably never be a “performer”, comfortable playing in front of someone else, but I’m doing my best to learn. I think the course is worth every penny. Tony has done a good job with the lessons.