4.8 rating out of 3235 reviews

dan ulrich
Just finished 30 Days to Play and learned so much in this month. I'm a very raw beginner. I don't sound good and have no musical background at all. When I came across the lesson with the backing track , I felt like I was in a band! Absolutely loved it and really experienced the "fun" aspect of this teaching. Looking forward to more.
a month ago
Tom Capozzi
Hi Tony. I signed up with TAC about four years ago and quit after a few months. Didn't quite understand the process at that time so spent most of my time going through the fundamentals courses. When I attempted the daily challenges, I felt that I needed to "master" them to continue each day so I kept falling behind. Also, i had to have hand surgery for Dupuytren contracture on my fretting hand which really set me back. After quitting TAC though and after recovering, I kept playing by picking up on-line help from some other good sources. Now I have returned to TAC as of two months ago and have really bought into the process and feel equipped to go through it daily. I'm enjoying it so much more this time around so plan on keeping up with it. I've had to slow things down a bit since my surgery, but that's okay as I've moved toward a softer finger style approach to playing. Won't ever be as skilled as I'd like, but enjoy playing every day anyway. I'll never give it up.
a month ago
For years I've wanted to learn how to play the guitar but could not find a way to get started. After coming across Tony on YouTube I decided to give TAC a try. I had no idea what to expect, but I have to say I've had a blast so far. I have so much to learn but at the same time, I am amazed at how much I've already learned by "Just Showing UP". Thanks Tony and the entire TAC family.
a month ago
I’ve been doing this about 2.5 months and find it fun and helpful.
a month ago
Chris Rice
I'm 65. I took lessons when I was 10 or so. Lasted maybe 3 months. My parents didn't make me stick to it. I wish they had. I finally decided it was time to finish what I started 55 years ago. I started looking for online courses. TAC seemed easier to pick up and a lot more fun than other courses. Tony's teaching method is very relaxed. He is very supportive, encouraging, and engaging. So, I signed on to TAC. While I've only been doing it a week, TAC has certainly been easier to pick up and a whole lot of fun. At 65 it's not as easy as it would have been at 35, but I am determined to play my guitar the best I can for as long as I'm on the planet. Tony is certainly helping me do that. Thanks, Tony!
a month ago
David Dowell
Hello Tony, I guess what I like best is the format that is used and how easy it is to follow along. I think it is best used for newer players like myself and people that are visual learners. I am only through my first week, but it is something that feels to me like I could continue For many, many years. I am very glad I decided to learn in the first place and use your program mostly because so far it’s working very well. Thank you very much, David.
a month ago