4.8 rating out of 3229 reviews

Rick Dumiak
So today makes 7 days since I started the course. I am very happy with my progress. I have tried to learn guitar at least 5 or 6 times during my life. Well here I am at 69 giving it one last try and so far I am very impressed with your teaching method. I have been making sure to get my time in every day and while my progress seems slow I am making progress and I dont want to stop playing this time around. I really feel like I will be a guitar player this time around. Thanks Tony!
a year ago
Tony is a great accountability buddy and fun teacher!
a year ago
Diane J Spaulding
I've learned to appreciate integrating picking and strumming , and finger style which I now totally love. Also the value of practicing consistently which I struggle with every day. (Adult ADHD #1 problem is getting started and procrastination, that's 2)Tony reminds me again and again its OK to break it down into chunks and practice those over and over.
a year ago
Chad Schyvincht
What, if anything, made you hesitate to sign up for TAC? I have had one on one piano, trombone, and base lessons. I also tried 9 months of YouTube guitar lessons. Nothing seemed to click.What did you find once you became a member? Once I became a member I exuded new confidence and less fear in my playing.What's the thing you love most about TAC? The thing I connect most with in TAC is training in technique, routine discipline, the great price point, and Tony’s personality- charisma as a teacher. I also appreciated the morning emails with famos quotes for motivation. I am a week in and feel so grateful for your platform. Thank you!✨✌️✨What type of player do you think it's best for? I am a beginner who has given up many times trying to play an instrument. I needed more direction. So think TAC is perfect for someone like me🤓
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a year ago
I've never learned to play melody along with chords before yesterday. I'm grateful for the way you teach, what you teach and how much fun it is.
a year ago
Tom Flaskamp
The morning before I saw Tony’s facebook post about his classes, I was thinking it was now or never to leave the ranks of guitar dabbler to become a guitar player. I had seen many ads for online classes over the years. But I decided to listen to Tony and his approach. I was impressed with him and how he related to folks like me. I took the plunge and invested in a year of lessons. I am two weeks into the program. I am really learning the guitar. I look forward to each day’s lesson. Tony’s approach - just show up consistently - is right on. I will check back in a year. I am confident I am heading in the right direction. Oh, on top of it, Tony is a funny guy. Even though I have not met him personally, I get the feeling he cares about what he is doing as a teacher. Play on!
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a year ago