4.8 rating out of 3227 reviews

i only recently started this course , even though i have been self taught i regret to say that my progress has been very slow . I feel like i am on the path to improving much faster now. I enjoy your well thought out and very good delivery of your lessons.
a year ago
It's only been about 2 weeks but so far I am happy with the program. I think it would be better for people to be able to play a little and strum some before starting just to make it easier to focus on the skills being taught. I'm hopeful the course helps me get to the next level of playing guitar as I have been trying for about 18 months and just in a rut.
a year ago
Tony is a gifted teacher who can break down a complicated technique into the steps you need to get there, and motivate you along the way. A long-time folk/rhythm player, I got started 2 years ago, mid-pandemic, with the idea of "upping my guitar game". I found TAC and it has done a world of good - for my technique, and also my knowledge of blues basics, fingerstyle and flatpicking, pentatonic scales, and finding my way around the fretboard! Not to mention how to establish a practice routine. 400 lessons and counting here!
a year ago
Bob E
I am really enjoying the lessons. I don’t often get to practice every day due to work schedule and playing in a church praise band. The practice there keeps me busy but that’s only rhythm, not really exploring the fretboard a whole lot. Love the exercises!
a year ago
TAC is Incredible! I have been playing guitar for over 30 years and spent 8 years performing in a two-man acoustic band. My friend who is talented one would simplify every song so I can play along and do I would do back-up vocals. During 30 years of playing, I could never do a lead solo. Couldn’t play a lead lick to save me…. Then I found TAC. First, let me say, before TAC I enrolled in several online guitar teaching courses and dabbled with “How to” YouTube videos. The on-line programs I subscribed to were boring and I could do them at my own pace. With that said, I never completed a course. I had nothing to encourage me. I would find myself logging off and going back to playing the same old stuff and never improving. What I love so much about TAC is that each day I am challenged with something new. I look forward to the morning to see what my lesson is for the day. It keeps my interest! The lessons are explained so well without giber-jabber and the videos are simply perfect… I also found myself finally playing lead licks. My first, Hotel California. Never in my wildest dreams would I think that would be my first! Lastly, in 30 years I could never follow a Tab. Now I can! Also, I find myself figuring things out by ear. I have to say that TAC has changed my guitar playing life and it can change your life too. If you are just starting out or like me, stuck playing the same old songs repeatedly you need to enroll in TAC today. You will be glad you did...
a year ago
Ian Baker
I've been playing guitar now for a few years but felt like I hit a plateau. I can strum through basic songs and sing along but I've been wanting to add that next level to my playing, the fills and ornamentation that really make songs sound great. I came across Tony's Acoustic Challenge and thought I'd give it a try. I've only been doing the Challenges a few weeks now but I really like the way Tony breaks things down into 5 skill groups and gives you a piece of music to practice that relates to those 5 skills. If you are more interested in working on your rhythm playing then you can focus more or that challenge. By using a model song as well the Challenges give you the tools to be able to play though a song adding as much or as little detail as your skill set allows and gives you something to build on as you advance as a guitar player. So far I've picked up my guitar more this past couple months than I have in a while. Thanks Tony!
a year ago