4.9 rating out of 2786 reviews

Kathryn Freeman Vita
I just started with Tony’s lessons this week. I decided to try the daily challenges first to see where I was level wise since I played years ago. The first challenge was learning a really beautiful song breaking down the components. He had us tune our guitars to open D which sounded wonderful. It appeared to be way over my head but I powered through based on Tony’s advice of progress over mastery. I am learning a lot and really enjoying it even though I am far from “mastering” it. I feel that probably if I keep going all the bits and pieces will fall into place and I will be able to play pretty well and hopefully be able to play music to the lyrics I have written which is my ultimate goal.
2 months ago
I am a beginner guitar player, after unsuccessfully attempting to learn for only a short time about 15 years ago via a different hard-copy manual. I have really enjoyed my first 9 days of guitar lessons with Tony (TAC), and I have played 8 out of 9 days since starting. I usually play longer than 10' per day because I am having fun! And after only ~7 days, my wife paid me the ultimate compliment, by saying, "You sound a lot better than last time you attempted to teach yourself, with your incessant, loud strumming (15 years ago)"! Tony's positive mental attitude, steady upbeat support, and regular lesson structure is awesome, so I am very happy that I found him! Way to go and thank you, Tony!
2 months ago
David H
My classical guitar lessons got me out of grade 10 Latin class. I didn’t practice much and couldn’t latch on to music notation. (Never learned to speak Latin either.) I just wanted to play Beatles, Stones, Creedence, The Band songs I heard on radio. Since I had a guitar (nylon string) I learned some chords, sang songs, wrote some and for 50 years have been playing so-so. I wanted to be better but was wary of taking lessons again if it meant learning notation. Another hurdle for a septuagenarian like me is OA in my hands. I decided to push my luck, joined TAC and it’s paying off. When I play I’m able to forget about the OA for a while. Mental sharpness is improving too as I notice the chord transitions, scales and licks we learn weekly get easier to remember. You might not see yourself in my profile but I wish I had TAC when I was starting out. I’m enjoying the daily workouts, having faith in the process and putting time into a living art rather than an allegedly “dead” language.
Review photo
2 months ago
Donald Wright
The one thing that caused me to "hesitate" about joining is the cost. I'm 71 and 200.00 is a lot of money, but I took the risk, and I'm glad I did. I was a member a few years ago, and the reason I left was solely the cost. I'm doing better so I'm back. I did not have any trouble last time meeting my "10 minutes a day" commitment, but I guess I got out of the habit and it's not as easy this time. My goal is to do just that..at least 10 minutes a day. I will say this. I don't think I have ever limited myself to 10 minutes. It's always more. I like the fact that you can leave the challenge from time to time and take some of the individual courses. I really enjoyed the Fretboard Wizard, and still watch it from time to time. I plan to take some finger picking courses in the future. As far as the type of player this is best for, I would think someone that has "some" background with the guitar, primarily because the daily challenges are just too hard for a complete beginner. I could be
2 months ago
I took piano lessons as a kid and could read music, and had tried playing classical guitar years ago and got frustrated and quit. I have just retired and made a commitment to myself that as part of my “fun” daily activities I would commit to learning to play or get rid of my guitars. I am 9 weeks in and have been playing daily and am enjoying trying new things that I never dreamed I would be able to play. I have a cup of coffee and take a guitar lesson every morning, and that inspires me to go back later in the day to tweak whatever I have learned that day.
2 months ago
Steven Snowaert
I was hesitant to join at first, especially when I saw you wearing a Blackhawk Jersey! You see Tony, I live in Michigan, and as you have guessed, the Red Wings are my team. Tony, I am 62 years old, As a child (in the ‘70’s) I wanted to learn guitar and saved my money to buy a guitar. So I had my mom take me to Meijer in Kalamazoo and I bought my 1st guitar for $12. I knew nothing about it. Had my mom sign me up for lessons. My instructor looked at my guitar and told me it was junk and basically threw me out. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement. In 1992, I bought a Sigma. After 32 years, I still can’t play. I have started and stopped more times you can count. So here I am, recently retired. I saw a HD-28 Martin for sale. Decided if I bought it I would have to commit to a lifelong dream, so I did it. Now I have to learn. I listen to your 38 minutes and you hooked me. I have had 2 missed days of playing, since buying my Martin on 4/24/24!
2 months ago