Took my bike here for a service - mainly to adjust gears as they weren't changing smoothly. They upsold me on a new chain, which was fair enough as I do a fair bit of commuting and it hadn't been changed for a long time. Picked it up, and the bike was much worse - verging on dangerous. I was having to double click to shift sometimes, and other times a single click would change two cogs. I took it back in the next day and the mechanic basically admitted that he'd worked on the bike first time around and wasn't sure what had happened, because the gears hadn't been tuned at all. He wasn't at all apologetic though, and also suggested I may have been playing with the cable adjusters - I hadn't. I picked it up again and it was barely any better. Still dropping two cogs, sometimes without even changing - very disconcerting when going up hill. I won't be going back.