Full disclosure. I did not purchase a bike. Nor did I go in to ask any questions about a bike. Or cycling. Or to look at all the pretty accoutrement. Nope. I can tell you now that I went in for a very hush-hush reason... some might even say dangerous. I probably shouldn't even being sharing this publicly; I mean, are "they" listening? Never can be too sure. But ok, here goes... ahem... I walked inside this shop to... whewww.... use their land-line telephone. Yep, that's right. That strange faded-black plastic thing that sits on the counter. That relic we've all seen online. You know the one. The thing that one friend's Dad still has in his office, "just incase." (huh??) And I discovered... they still exist. I held it in my very own hand. And I made a real call. Mind blown.
So, you may be wondering... why is this woman leaving a review for a cycle shop she did not visit for the sole purpose they are in business? Even though, yes... there is an incredible collection of inventory in a beautiful well-lit shop in the perfection location with everything you could possibly need or want there.
Well... because I felt compelled to give these guys a shout out. I see this gem of a shop as more of a customer service company that also sells bikes. I was given such excellent customer service, kindness, help, and downright fun in the brief interaction we had that, well... I had to tell you. There's a whole lotta good in this world, and some bad, too. In my work, I usually see the extremes of each. And so I'm taking 5 minutes to spotlight these guys because they're AWESOME. They made me feel like we'd been friends since we were 5. Dan and Leo :) Both super kool dudes that I'd have a beer with any time (well lets be honest, it's probably going to be a glass of red for me, but still). And can I just also say... I had one of the funnest conversations bantering with Leo while he was hard at work repairing a bike and I was making my top secret phone call that I've had in a long, long time. I so enjoyed him. If I hadn't been in such a hurry I would've given him my number and let him buy me a coffee sometime... ;)
So, for anyone out there in the metaverse reading this... if you're in the market for a new bike, your first bike, a dope helmet, repairs, have questions, or just want your day infused with a bit of laughter and goodness... stop in. You'll be glad you did. And tell Leo Ellē said heyyyy ;)
Be well, and take good care everyone. Cheers!