4.9 / 321 件の口コミ

User profile - Andrew Dixon.
Andrew Dixon
Went there 1-22-2025 with 2 of my friends and we had the best time! As foreigners we were definitely worried that it wouldn’t be fun because we don’t speak Japanese but they had a few people there who could speak English. Was 10k yen a person for entry and all you can drink all night. Anytime our drinks were low they would ask us what we were drinking to get us another. The dancing and shows were just like burlesque and they were amazing! You can buy tickets to tip dancers with at 1k per ticket and they also had higher tier items to tip as well which is very cool and seeing it all night was awesome. I would definitely recommend this place to people as a must do while in Tokyo! This was my second trip to Japan and my next trip I will be back for sure! Would for probably came here 2 or 3 times this trip if we would have looked it up sooner! That’s how fun this place was! Was definitely the most fun place or thing we did or have done in the past. This place has the best vibes and I’ll never forget my experience here and I look forward to my next trip to Japan when I can come back! 10 out for 10 place for sure!
1 か月前
User profile - Yoshinori.
初めてのショークラブ、素晴らしいショーを見せていただきました。今回私は思い切って冒険しに一人で入店(シラフです)、入店時間が早かったためか舞台周りの席が空いており案内してくれました。とてもフレンドリーなダンサーさんばかり、席まで来て話し相手になってくれるんですが…えっ?こんなセクシーな衣装のまま?って状態でハグしてくれるんです!…良いのかな?…とも思いましたが、でも下心はイケマセン。あくまでgentlemanで。 予算を¥9,000~としたのは、入店後無制限のプランが¥7,000(無制限でないプランもあり。女性はもっとお安く)、オプションの飲み放題が¥2,000で計¥9,000。個人的にはこのセットががお薦め。チップは別に券を購入するシステムです(¥10,000)。このチップは飲食にも使用するそうです。推しダンサーさんへのチップの他にも使い道は色々。 ショーの後ダンサーさんへのチップタイムがあるのですが、渡す時に紳士に振る舞えば、ダンサーさんはちゃんと答えてくれますよ。 ショーは見応えがあると思います。ダイナミックなショーから艶めかしいモノ(ミニゲームなんかも)までありますが、鼻の下を伸ばしてる暇なんてありません。推しが何人も出来てしまい、チップが予算オーバー? (^-^;) この日私のイチオシはMARVELさん、ショーの中で天井から吊された布を使った高速回転は圧巻!真横で見させていただき大満足!チップ奮発してあげたかった…最高デシタ(後日、MARVELさんのBirthdayイベントに行きましタ)。 このクォリティーで¥7,000は安いと思います。飲み放題¥2,000はメニューも豊富なので絶対お得なオプションです(入場料などは、2024.7.31までの額です。8月より改定されるそうです)。 女性のお客さんも続々といらしてました。金曜日とあって気が付けば満席。興味のある方は行ってみては。ショータイム前の早い時間の入店が良いと思います。ダンサーさんが何人も来て話しかけてくれるかも。 長々とレポートのようになってしまいましたが、また行きたいです。 絶対退屈しません。期待してお店へ行って良いと思います。
7 か月前
7 か月前
User profile - エルカミ.
楽しかったです。 ちゃんとリミッター外して、はっちゃけることができました。 仕事でも使いたいと思います。 もしかしたら時代には合わないのかもしれないが、こういう楽しい店は残ってほしいです。 頑張れ(^^)
10 か月前
User profile - 藤原大和.
1 年前
User profile - 七海啓.
CARNIVAL最高! 人生で一度は絶対来なきゃダメなところ!
1 年前
User profile - 拓弥鴨下.
1 年前
User profile - Phillip Thorne.
Phillip Thorne
"CARNIVAL TOKYO" can be summarized as "impressive dance and acrobatic acts with cute friendly girls in bikinis." It's a "show pub" with a definite spirit of "kawaii omotenashi" and a mission statement of "smiles, energy, excitement." This review pertains to two visits, on Wednesday and Saturday nights in October. Performances alternate solo and four-girl acts, including dance numbers and impressive stage acrobatics (poles, silks, trapeze); some audience participation (ring-toss game); otherwise the cast circulates to chat and deliver drinks. Stage lights are intense, music is loud but not painful. Seating is at stage-edge or at small tables. There are more than 20 dancers, who are of a type: slim, tall, taller wearing platform heels, mostly Japanese. Max nudity level is thong bikini and pastie; this being October, some wore costumes like "sexy snow panther." There's some emphasis on tipping a favorite girl and to that end they wear nametags. Physical contact is limited to high-fives and hugs, although the girls might tease with a hip-bump. As a foreign tourist I was a novelty; I think I got a little more attention and was tapped for feedback. CARNIVAL is ready for foreign visitors, with an English-language menu and website, and at least minimal English at the front desk and among the cast crew. Most customers were Japanese men solo and groups; I didn't see any couples; the audience gradually fills but was never crammed. Apart from the dancers, the crew unobtrusively switches props and cleans spills, while director Ayumu monitors the general level of satisfaction. There was one incident in which my drink was toppled by an errant flying hat, but the crew was cleaning up instantaneously and three of the dancers fussed over me (very flattering). CARNIVAL is open six nights a week (dark Monday), 19:30 to 25:00. The basic systems are 4000 yen for 90 minutes or 7000 for unlimited time, with tips via ticket. Photos are prohibited (but there's a behind-the-scenes YouTube video by Eimi Fukada). Access is JR Kamata Station, west exit, three short blocks northwest. A similar venue is "Burlesque Tokyo" in Roppongi, Japanese-style "strip theater" is represented by "Asakusa Rockza," and "sexy cabaret" is another business category altogether.
1 年前
User profile - zz yy.
zz yy
1 年前
User profile - 中村吉宏.
とても楽しいショーパブだね! また来たい〜
1 年前