Sam Ivy saved me! When I found Sam Ivy, I was desperate. I didn't think I was going to be able to keep Buckley; he was destroying things, eating the couch, not potty trained, and being a terror around the house. I was struggling to help him on my own, so I went to the Internet to find someone who could tell me what to do and how to help Buckley. I found Sam Ivy and set up a consultation. Enzo Gonzales made me feel like there was hope for Buckley with Sam Ivy. He helped me to see that there was a good dog in Buckley; I just needed a little help accessing it. He then got me set up with my trainer, Holli Kepschull, and she was a godsend! Not only was she very informative and helpful, she also was kind, patient, and willing to move forward at my and Buckley's pace. Holli gave lots of praise for me and Buckley on the good days, and helped us move on through the tough days. She helped me turn Buckley's most challenging behaviors around, and he has made so much progress in so little time! He is truly a new dog thanks to Sam Ivy, one that I can keep and continue to love! THANK YOU SAM IVY!