rating out of  2225  reviews
User profile - DOOYOUNG SONG.
사실 처음에는 타 브랜드 제품을 구매하려고 마음먹었었습니다. 트렉 자전거가 다른 브랜드에 비해 가격대가 높다는 점 때문에 망설여졌기 때문인데요. 그래도 그냥 구경이나 해볼 겸 트렉 송도직영점에 들렀는데, 이곳에서 만난 안두현 스텝님의 친절한 응대와 열정적인 설명 덕분에 생각이 완전히 바뀌었습니다. 안 스텝님은 단순히 제품을 설명하는 것을 넘어, 제게 가장 적합한 모델과 활용 방법에 대해 성심껏 알려주셨어요. 처음에는 망설였던 마음이 믿음으로 바뀌게 되었고, 결국 트렉 제품을 선택하게 되었습니다. 구매 후 제품을 인수할 때도 세세하게 사용 방법을 설명해 주시며 정성을 다해 주셨고, 이런 부분들이 신뢰로 이어졌습니다. 제가 자전거 사후관리를 잘 못하는 편인데, 정기적인 안전점검을 약속해 주시며 편안하게 이용할 수 있도록 배려해 주신 점도 매우 만족스럽습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 잘 관리하며 탈 수 있을 것 같아요. 트렉 직영점과 안두현 스텝님께 정말 감사드립니다! 트렉 자전거 구매를 고민 중이신 분들께 추천드리고 싶어요. 비록 가격이 조금 높게 느껴질 수 있지만, 그만큼 신뢰를 얻고 만족스러운 서비스를 받을 수 있습니다.
a month ago
User profile - René Oliver Handels.
René Oliver Handels
Zeer goed en snel geholpen bij een kleine reparatie. Je wordt via hun systeem netjes op de hoogte gehouden. En dat voor een schappelijke prijs. Aanrader!
a month ago
User profile - bart koenders.
bart koenders
Mooie Trek Allant 5 gekocht voor een zeer scherpe prijs! En de service was/is perfect!
a month ago
User profile - L Assri.
L Assri
Weer super vriendelijk geholpen... Roge heeft mij helaas niet kunnen helpen, omdat mijn fiets al wat ouder is... maar hij heeft mij wel naar de juiste personen gestuurd.bedankt weer Laila
a month ago
User profile - Anpanman gg.
Anpanman gg
Absolut top. Super freundlicher Service. Ich befinde mich auf Fahrradweltreise und hatte Probleme mit den Bremsen. Natürlich kann ich vieles selber fixieren, aber mir fehlte leider das richtige Werkzeug dafür.
a month ago
User profile - skerschb.
Good quality products and great customer service.
a month ago
User profile - Kim앤소니.
미캐닉분들 모두 친절하시고 바쁘셔도 매사 적극적으로 도와주십니다. 특히 점장님이 실력도 매너도 최고!
a month ago
User profile - Anthony Yarrow.
Anthony Yarrow
Great, friendly service and lots of options to choose from.
a month ago
User profile - Vince Aalten.
Vince Aalten
Very friendly and helpful staff at Trek Maple Ridge. Many thanks for your patience and expertise, Cody and Ricky!!
a month ago
User profile - Doug Reid.
Doug Reid
New bike day! Thanks to Trek Wenatchee for the excellent service today. Super professional and thorough!
a month ago
User profile - 양원식.
친절하시고 궁금한 점 답변도 잘해주셨습니다.
2 months ago
User profile - jarno jegerings.
jarno jegerings
Zeer vriendelijk personeel en een snelle service
2 months ago
User profile - gukzi bupzi xD.
gukzi bupzi xD
One of the best mr Roger has golden hands!!!!
2 months ago
User profile - brett bender.
brett bender
The staff is very friendly and helpful. No better place to buy a Trek or any accessories. I would recommend to any friend or family
2 months ago
User profile - Vanessa Moore.
Vanessa Moore
I felt very supported by the staff during my visit. I was looking for a new bike, and I was helped in finding my adequate size and the type of bike I was looking for. I also had a rundown on safety equipment and everything was installed and ready by the time I left. Truly a great experience.
2 months ago
User profile - Work.
Terrific service, price matched another store, and made it all happen on Christmas Eve! Wouldn’t shop anywhere else for a bike.
2 months ago
User profile - Paul Holt.
Paul Holt
Caleb is awesome and solved all of my issues quickly and effectively!!
2 months ago
User profile - Meagan Nelson.
Meagan Nelson
Loveeee the kids buy back bike program. Everything about it. Savings for the customer, bike being passed along to someone who needs it, less waste, kids learning how to tune up a bike. Amazing! Only thing slightly disappointed about this time (this week) is that we told our new bike purchased would be ready the next day. It’s now been two days and we haven’t even received an update. After purchasing 5 bikes there this is the first time it has happened so hoping it’s just a minor issue.
2 months ago
User profile - TAEHEON LEE.
If y5️⃣ou are considering to purchase a bike. You can find an answer from TREK Haeundae. 100% recommendable.
Review photo
2 months ago
User profile - Jeff W.
Jeff W
Beste fietswinkel in de omgeving. Leuke mensen en echte vakmensen
2 months ago