rating out of  2225  reviews
User profile - Kathy.
I found the staff very friendly and helpful
2 years ago
User profile - Nomad JSK.
Nomad JSK
Gentle workers
2 years ago
User profile - Tim Klassen.
Tim Klassen
Great products and great service.
2 years ago
User profile - JJ Kim.
JJ Kim
타이어 망가져서 방문했는데, 전체 점검해주는 서비스도 있네요. 트렉 유료서비스인데 받아보니 좋네요 ㅎㅎ 꼼꼼히 잘 봐주셔서 다시 새 자전거가 된것 같아요. 고맙습니다.
Review photo
2 years ago
User profile - 이주한.
직원분들이 친절하고 하나 하나 꼼꼼하게 잘 설명해주셔서 기분 좋게 자전거 탈 수 있는 것 같습니다! 항상 감사합니다 !!
2 years ago
User profile - Steven T.
Steven T
직원분들이 친절하고 좋습니다.
Review photo
2 years ago
User profile - Sin Lee.
Sin Lee
직원분이 친절하십니다.
2 years ago
User profile - Stuart Rife.
Stuart Rife
I came into this store just to get some advice on finding the right parts to repair my bike. Even though I was not buying anything, the TREK representative was really helpful and provided excellent service. I haven’t used their products but if their bikes are anything like their service then I would strongly recommend.
2 years ago
User profile - Paul Peree.
Paul Peree
Zeer tevreden over aankoop en aflevering nieuwe fiets.
2 years ago
User profile - 장홍태.
다양한 제품과 친절하고 꼼꼼한 서비스~!
2 years ago
User profile - 굴뚝쇠.
저는 자출족이라서요 한달에 한번은 꼭 갑니다 eMTB를 하남미사점 에서 구입했어요 일단가면 자전거에대한거는 풀써비스~^^ 덤으로 음료수까쥐~ 매장네 직원들 진짜 친절해요 자전거를 20년째 타면서 많은 대리점을 방문했는데요 정말 친절합니다...
2 years ago
User profile - Ashton Carl.
Ashton Carl
Knowledgeable staff, excellent products, what’s not to like? My wife and I always buy our new bikes from them, and now our kids bikes!
2 years ago
User profile - Steve Armstrong.
Steve Armstrong
They have been awesome! Bil and Sam have patiently answered all of my newby questions.
2 years ago
User profile - jn kim.
jn kim
트렉 자전거를 믿고 구입할 수 있고, 서비스도 좋음.
2 years ago
User profile - Jorrit.
Zowel Peter als Roger zijn goede gasten. Eenmaal in de winkel heb je een grote kans dat er een mooie fiets tussen staat. Ik had even een ‘maandagmorgen’ model Isaac, maar dit werd stapsgewijs en zorgvuldig opgelost. Kortom mooie showroom, prachtige fietsen en bekwame mensen.
Review photo
2 years ago
User profile - Marc Schell.
Marc Schell
Goede service. Duidelijke uitleg en instructie. Fiets werd heel snel geleverd.
2 years ago
User profile - Jo Jaeqx.
Jo Jaeqx
Professionele specialist, goede service en kennis van zaken. Trek elektrische MTB gekocht zeer tevreden.
2 years ago
User profile - Eric Bufford.
Eric Bufford
Very Good Service and Such a Great Experience. Thank you for getting my Bikes back on the road!
2 years ago
User profile - 혜짱.
한상기점징님께 피팅받았어요 설명도 쉽게해주시고 이해하기 쉬윘습니다 감사합니다^--^
2 years ago
User profile - JM Park.
JM Park
아이 자전거를 구매하러 갔는데, 네발 자전거에서 20인치로 넘어가기 전에 기존에 타던 거 보조바퀴떼고 연습하고 오라더군요. 다른데서는 20인치 사서 페달 떼고 연습하라던데 달랐습니다. 무조건 팔기보다는 아이에게 맞춤으로 설명으로 해주셔서 고마웠고, 정말 친절하셨습니다. 다음에 꼭 방문해서 아이 자전거 구매할 계획입니다. 감사합니다.
2 years ago