rating out of  2225  reviews
User profile - Elizabeth Bombara.
Elizabeth Bombara
10 years ago I had graduated college and had an interest in completing a triathlon. I joined their ride night using my mother's old 10 speed road bike. Not knowing much about bikes before this point, I replaced the old chain with a new one. As a result the chain slipped and came off the old cogs with every start. After 3 stops to fix the chain I was ready to just ride home. But to my surprise the ride leader called to the shop for them to bring out a beautiful carbon fiber bike for me to finish the ride on. They took my old bike back to their shop and taught me how to cycle. I have enjoyed cycling ever since. Those working at this local bike shop truly care about the products they sell and the customers they service. I love supporting them whenever I have the chance. I hope you do too.
2 years ago
User profile - Seungdon Choi.
Seungdon Choi
직원분들 모두 친절하시고 잘 안내햊 십니다
2 years ago
User profile - 윤현구.
친절하고 설명도 잘해주셔서 감사했습니다. 추가 구매 시 다시 방문할 예정입니다.
2 years ago
User profile - WH Kim.
WH Kim
직원들 모두 친철하고 매장도 넓고 아주 좋아요
2 years ago
User profile - James S. Lee.
James S. Lee
전문성과 친절함까지 갖춘 직영점입니다.
2 years ago
User profile - 리보.
친절하시고 잘고쳐주셨어요~감사합니다
2 years ago
User profile - 이동원.
수원에 거주하지만 분당점의 친절하고 실력있는 정비와 응대로 일부러 찾아가곤합니다. 늘 지금처럼 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다
2 years ago
User profile - 서영원 (열혈스타).
서영원 (열혈스타)
품질과 고퀄리티를 자랑하는 자전거네요
2 years ago
User profile - 민헌태.
자전거 출고 받았는데 너무 친절하게 설명해주시고 피팅까지봐주셔서 라이딩 너무 잘 하고있습니다~ 감사합니다. 항상 번창하시길 바랍니다^^
2 years ago
User profile - 민병규.
능숙했고 설명도 상당히 좋았습니다
2 years ago
User profile - kiwon Eom (LG우승).
kiwon Eom (LG우승)
친절한 태도와 자세한 설명 그리고 고객을 배려하는 마음을 느낄 수 있었습니다. 자전거의 품질과 디자인은 명성 그대로 너무 좋습니다. 한가지 아쉬운건 악세사리가 너무 비쌉니다. 상대적으로 저렴한 악세사리는 품절이 많았습니다.
2 years ago
User profile - sungyun cho.
sungyun cho
친절하고 실력이 좋습니다. 요청하지 않은 부분도 전체적으로 봐주십니다
2 years ago
User profile - Jooho Kim.
Jooho Kim
매우만족입니다 자전거 사실분들 한번들러보세요 :)
2 years ago
User profile - minjaaee__.
직원들이 친절하게 잘 응대해주십니다.
2 years ago
User profile - 이성호.
정비 받는데 친절하고 전문성있음. 가격도 저렴했음
2 years ago
User profile - Erica Coatta.
Erica Coatta
went in for a brake cable and it was actually cheaper then at canadian tire, they would install it for a really reasonable price, but explained how to install it too
2 years ago
User profile - 스티븐신갈.
직원분들이 친절하시고 무었보다 꼼꼼하게 정비해주시는게 인상적 이었습니다 마음 편하게 안전하게 라이딩을 할수 있는 만족감이 가장 크네요
2 years ago
User profile - Luc Kessels.
Luc Kessels
Ik heb van Peter Hogenhout de laatste cannondale rwcefiets gekocht voordat hij met het dealerschap van Cannondale stopte. Gewoon een eerlijk en direct gesprek, een faire prijs en daarbij een gratis top advies en meting zodat de fiets goed afgesteld kon worden. Ik heb een goed gevoel bij de koop, een goed advies gekregen van iemand met verstand en passie voor het vak. Netjes, beleefd technisch en commercieel! Zo zie je het zelden. Ik hoop nog op wat flexibiliteit straks met de service, maar ik heb hier een goed voorgevoel over. Goede zaak, goede mensen, koop hier gerust.
2 years ago
User profile - Brandon Stott.
Brandon Stott
5 star quality service and products.
2 years ago
User profile - kiyoon Jang.
kiyoon Jang
친절한 응대 및 빠른 정비 감사드립니다
2 years ago