rating out of  2225  reviews
User profile - Ryan Barnet.
Ryan Barnet
Great service. Love the large shop and my Trek Slash . Already referred friends to check it out when they visit Wenatchee.
3 years ago
User profile - Hoosama.
Review photo
3 years ago
User profile - Mike Romine.
Mike Romine
Great customer service!
3 years ago
User profile - GB.
친절하고 좋았습니다.
3 years ago
User profile - Minhye Lee.
Minhye Lee
직원분들 너무 친절하시고 좋아요!
3 years ago
User profile - Jun Suh Lee.
Jun Suh Lee
직원분들이 매우 친절하셔서 잘 서비스 받았습니다 ^^
3 years ago
User profile - Peter Romme.
Peter Romme
Hallo Bikefun hier een reactie op de mtb Trek Procaliber 9.7. Nu twee keer mee weg geweest, echt een top mtb een hele verbetering met mijn vorige mtb. Peter hartelijk bedankt voor de goede service en klaar maken van deze mtb. Voor mensen die hier een fiets wil kopen, is zeker een aanrader. Hele goede winkel. Bikefun ik zou zeggen bedankt, en wie weet tot de volgende keer.
3 years ago
User profile - Justin Sundstrom.
Justin Sundstrom
Amazing service. I brought my 2021 Trek Marlin 5 in to have the rear brake bled and the service was outstanding. They were very helpful with diagnosing the problem and they got it done in less than 24 hours (a day ahead of what they expected too!). They really made a bad day for me turn around really quick. These guys are awesome and I highly recommend it!
3 years ago
User profile - Jesung Koo.
Jesung Koo
직원들이 친절하고 제품이 편안합니다.
3 years ago
User profile - PixelKorea.
직원분들 엄청 친절합니다. 가까운 곳에 생겨서 좋아요. 프로칼리버 추천해주셔서 구매했는데 첫자전거로도 딱 좋은거 같아요.^^
3 years ago
User profile - R Peters.
R Peters
Het personeel is vriendelijk, ervaren, denkt mee en behulpzaam. Verder een hele mooie winkel. Kan geen minpuntje bedenken.
3 years ago
User profile - 벤리치.
친절하고 상세합니다. 세심하게 피칭잡아주셔서 편안하고 즐겁게 탑니다.
3 years ago
User profile - ROKAF _109.
ROKAF _109
사장님 정말 친절하십니다. 수리하시면서도 계속 설명해주시고 질문해도 자세히 답변해주십니다.
3 years ago
User profile - JULIA SANNY.
Good helpful staff)
3 years ago
User profile - 아몰랑.
점장님 포함 직원분들이 너무 친절하고 세세하게 잘 알려주십니다. 적극 추천하고싶어요 !!
3 years ago
User profile - 썰공장.
To consumers who didn't know much about bicycles, he explained the types of Trek bikes at the consumer level. Actually I wasn't interested in Trek. Finally I bought a Trek bike almonda. While I was buying a bike, they fitted it for me and explained it so well that I'm a Trekmania now. I strongly recommend Trek to others who want to buy a bicycles. Post M
3 years ago
User profile - alex mars.
alex mars
Super friendly and very helpful staff. Answered all of my questions and were able to custom order two adult bikes to arrive in time for spring. Greatly recommend.
3 years ago
User profile - Shaun Narum.
Shaun Narum
Very friendly and helpful!
3 years ago
User profile - 류형준.
전화상담이 너무친절하셔서 가까운데 두고 일산점 갔네요. 새 매장이라 깔끔하고 자전거도 많아서 둘러보는데 시간가는줄 몰랐네요. 자전거 수령일까지 수고해주신 직원분들 감사합니다^^
3 years ago
User profile - 박형민.
드디어 일산에도 트렉 직영점이 생겼네요. 매장은 쾌적하고 깔끔합니다. 직원분들도 전문적이고 친절하구요.
3 years ago