rating out of  1260  reviews
Connie Laurent
I have been using this program for 3 years. It does what it says it will do...improve my strength, balance, stamina, and flexibility in all parts of my body. It also helps keep my weight stable. Thank you, Deron, you have become a part of my daily life. I couldn't have kept up my motivation without you and the routine you provide.
a year ago
Roz Trotter
this was wonderful!!! Amy chance for a season 4?
a year ago
Really enjoying this program. I like how the exercises are all mixed up and how there are a lot of balance exercises incorporated.
a year ago
stefanie muse
i started this program 2 years ago and have gone through the foundation plan twice completely and felt great and was managing my weight very well with your diet as closely as i could. i lost weight and inches and was feeling great and then i took a had a knee replacement and now one leg is longer then the other took a few falls in the snow and ice and quit this for awhile. i am back and trying to be faithful to it, but am having a problem losing weight this time, even though i am maintaining my weight. any suggestions?
a year ago
Mary Christiansen
I am really enjoying this series -- love the variety! This was a perfect place for me to start after being sidelined first with a lot of hip pain and then recovering from a hip replacement. I am so glad to be able to be back to "keeping it moving!" Thank you!
a year ago