rating out of  1260  reviews
Lawrence B Residori
Very happy with the exercises. My flexibility has improved rather dramatically. Balance also greatly improved. Arm strength also improved. I have had lower back pain for the last 20 years or so and these exercises along with a magnetic belt have reduced the back pain over 50% of what it has been. Looking forwar to starting season 2 exercises.
a year ago
User profile - Sharon Yockel.
Sharon Yockel
Season one started out difficult but now I can keep up with your pace And I can touch my toes again!! Still neeed my chair for the balance portion-but getting better. I believe that God somehow led me to you Deron. So glad he did!!!
a year ago
Linda J
Best program I've found for seniors. Very motivational but always balanced with senior's abilities in mind. I've never been a fan of exercise programs, But I've really enjoyed Grow Young Fitness!
a year ago
Fraya Erwin
I have just completed Foundation 1 series. I feel so much better. My joints are working better my clothes are fitting better and my age is just a number now. So glad I got back on track and I am pumped to KEEP IT MOVING! Thank you Deron and the Grow Young Fitness Program
a year ago
Linda Snelling
Really enjoying this. I can already see improvement in my balance and ability yo stretch farther. I had to stop for 2 weeks after cataract surgery and really missed things. I kept up walking but it doesn’t give me the workout GYF does but I was pleased to see I hadn’t regressed too much after those 2 weeks. Thank you,
a year ago