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User profile - Janet Cooper.
Janet Cooper
Deron, I’m 73 and for as long as I can remember I’ve had extreme pain in hands. I’m using Ultimate Program Advanced Series 1 You had a wrist exercise of holding arm straight and bending wrist with a closed fist.On day 4 and after doing this exercise I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN!!!!And to think that I was going to call the doctor and all I needed was to stretch that muscle.I do this exercise daily! All I can say is thank you!!!
a year ago
Claire Still
I really like this foundation workout and have seen a difference in my mid section more than any other workouts…..sitting seems to get good results, but it’s nice to have standing in between too….Thank you
a year ago
Alane Henderson
This is a great program. Although I started it more than a year ago, I have not used it consistently until recently. I joined the October challenge this month for the first time and I can really tell the difference in my stamina and the way I feel. Thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement! You are making a difference in an aging community and it is appreciated!❤️
a year ago
Kathryn Prescott
I consider this the best low impact muscle strengthening program that I have ever used. I have arthritis that set in from an earlier age than most and have struggled with physical fitness since reaching menopause. Prior to this I managed to keep very active and did horse riding and looking after horses, I did rock n' roll dancing, I never drove if I could walk and so on. This all came to a screeching halt during menopause when the arthritis set in so much that I could barely walk or lift anything much. This went on for a few years and I was searching for ways to regain my fitness. Ordinary gym membership did not work for me and trainers did not understand the level of my unfitness and why this was the case. The assumption was that I was lazy. Far from it. I was very frustrated and in despair at the complete turn around from fitness to weakness. I looked at many programs online but got fed up with the constant scrolling through the promotional rubbish in them. One day I saw Deron online in an ad and was instantly interested. Here were no prolonged rubbishy statements and endless scrolling with 'wait there's more' or 'click on this link for the answer'... huh..! Deron was totally different in that he said a cheery Hi, here I am this is what I do, try out a free workout and see what you think, here's a basic package, or here is the subscription model, words to that effect. I didn't even do a free workout, I signed up for the basic package straight away. For me the Foundation program is so effective in getting my poor muscles back into shape. It took me about eighteen months to get through and finish the first set of Foundation exercises as I had to repeat them until I could build up the strength. I kept doing them because within a couple of weeks I could feel my body changing, slowly but surely. If I didn't do the workouts I could feel myself getting weak again. So even though I was a bit discouraged at times with my seeming lack of progress I reminded myself that as Deron says it's a marathon it is not a sprint and the best thing to do is to keep on moving. Slowly but surely I built up my strength. I am now on the second level of Foundation exercises, and with the lessons learned on the first level am motoring through these steadily. I have also done some of the boxing, cardio, strength, and yoga exercises. They are all fantastic and I love the boxing! Deron also has shorter fitness workout programs which I have done a few of and they have really helped to fight the arthritis. I also appreciate Deron sharing his story with us during the workouts, and can now understand why a fit looking young guy like him can relate to us seniors and deliver such effective training without coming across as patronising. His cheerfulness and can-do attitude and empathy during the workouts has really helped me to keep going with the program. Feedback I have received from my friends, family and health practitioners is that they can see an improvement in me and my body shape is changing. My posture is much straighter and I am walking, not waddling. Sorry that this is a long review but I am so grateful that I found Deron and Jeff and that this website is helping me to regain my fitness and overall wellbeing. Definitely five stars.
a year ago
I enjoy doing the workout, great way to work out stiffness in muscles first thing in morning.
a year ago