rating out of  1260  reviews
User profile - Ezerene Williams.
Ezerene Williams
This is the best program I have found that works for me and I have been able to stay with it. The more progress I make the more I want to continue. This is my second time enrolling and this time I have remained for 8 months. Mobility is much better. Thanks.
2 years ago
Ok. Ill a review so i can get to the next step
2 years ago
Helen Clayton
I find this program very good for me, was doing great then i got sick & was unable to do them ,back to having a hard time walking & balance. Looking forward to getting bCk againThank you for offering this excellent program. .
2 years ago
Betty Busby
I recommend this program to everyone! I feel so much better and have less or no pain when I’m unable to workout because of life I remember what I can do ( not workout) little helpful movements My doctor just recommended I continue with program. I see how helpful and fun it is. You actually miss working out when you’ve been away. This program can be done with dvd, phone, iPad and computer. I understand you can transfer to tv. Customer is superb. I love it. Your body will love you. I would say a lot of work and thought has gone into this. Everything is clearly explained. I suggest you try. I believe there’s a few free.
2 years ago
Linda Clemmons
I was looking for a program that would help strengthen my core to help with balance issues. I tried this program with a couple of free sessions and found it to be just what I needed. I’m able to do all exercises, do not feel overly tired or sore and my balance has really improved. Plus I’m able to do them anywhere at any time.
2 years ago