rating out of  1260  reviews
JoAnn Bollman
My name is JoAnn and I am 75 years old. I have been exercising with Deron for about one and a half years. The exercises are easy and fun...most of the time. When I started it was an effort to stand up from the chair and during the balance segments I could never make it with out wobble and holding the chair. All that has changed. I stand without pushing myself up and my balance is very good. I feel strong and confident in my ability to "keep it moving!"
2 years ago
Judy Blanton
I have been a member off and on for years and each time I progressed but didn't stick with it long enough. This time I've dug in a little deeper and with both the excercises and better diet have lost 25 lbs. This by doing an excercise every day for 3 months and riding my excercyle every day. Also the aches and pains of being 67 yrs old have pretty much disappeared. My balance and flexibility have improved drastically. This program is the only one I've ever tried (and I've tried em all!!) that actually helps older people without making you feel old!! I can never keep up with the others and always give up because it's so discouraging. This program is affordable, effective and supportive. I urge seniors to help themselves by joining Grow Young Fitness.
2 years ago
Camille DeSantis
Finally a program I can stick with!
2 years ago
I've never liked to exercise and rarely stayed with a program more than a month -until Grow Young Fitness. I started Grow Young 8 months ago and have exercised almost every day. Deron does a great job leading the exercises and I never get bored. I've lost 25 pounds, have better balance and flexibility. Thank you, Grow Young!
2 years ago
This is the best program for exercise that I have found. Easy to follow glad I decided to join. It is way better then trying to go to a gym. don't have to leave your house.Exercise time seems to fly by. doesn't seem like work.
2 years ago